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> MEADS, Was ist das? (siehe "Kontraste"-Bericht)
Beitrag 17. Feb 2004, 20:19 | Beitrag #1
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Beiträge: 793

Gruppe: Banned
Mitglied seit: 06.09.2003

Mal wieder was neues zum geliebten Meads.

Wie irgendwo vorne erwähnt will man ja zu Pac-3 eine zweite günstigere Rakete einführen: Sehr wahrscheinlich wird man sich für folgende entscheiden:
iris-t sl (surface launched) (Reichweite wie ca HAWK) (iris-t sl ist nicht NG leFla sys)


edit: unten auf der Seite ist eine Broschüre dazu

Unter einem Dementi versteht man in der Diplomatie die verneinende Bestätigung einer Nachricht, die bisher lediglich ein Gerücht gewesen ist.
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Beitrag 16. Dec 2003, 15:17 | Beitrag #2
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Beiträge: 793

Gruppe: Banned
Mitglied seit: 06.09.2003

MEADS Stand 2003:

Medium Extended Air Defense System Update
December 2003

By Scott R. Gourley

Participants in the trinational Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) International program are finalizing fact-finding and negotiations to move from the risk reduction effort to design and development.

"MEADS is a trinational program of three countries -- Italy, Germany and the United States -- to develop the next generation lower tier air and missile defense system," explained David Seckinger, Executive Vice President, MEADS Program, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control. "It's seen as the replacement for the Patriot system in the United States, the Patriot and Hawk systems in Germany and the Hawk and Nike systems in Italy."

Under an overarching steering committee with representatives from all three countries, the primary customer for the MEADS program is the NATO MEADS Management Agency. Industry development is being conducted by MEADS International, a trinational industry consortium composed of Lockheed Martin (50 percent) and euroMEADS (50 percent), with the latter entity formed between MBDA Italia, EADS and EADS/LFK.

According to Seckinger, who is currently assigned to MEADS International in Orlando, Fla., MEADS meets the requirements of all three participating countries for the defense of all critical assets.

"A critical asset, for instance, could be maneuver forces in the field; it could be a high value airfield; it could be defending the capital of any one of the nations involved in this program," he said.

The system must counter the entire spectrum of threats, from tactical ballistic missiles to slower moving air breathing targets.

"We have to be able to take out threats as well that are very fast, that are maneuvering, and have very low radar cross sections. We also have to be able to take on an attack from any direction, so MEADS represents a true 360-degree capability. We also have to be able to operate in a very high ECM [electronic counter measure] environment and in all weather conditions," he added.

Key features of the system design include a high degree of strategic and tactical mobility. For strategic and intertheater movement, individual system components will be capable of roll-on/roll-off from C-130 aircraft as well as movement aboard the A-400M.

"Once we get those end items to the field, they have to be very mobile in the field, very lightweight, very maneuverable -- much more so than we saw with the Patriot system during the recent Iraqi conflict," Seckinger said. "The heavier Patriot equipment has had trouble keeping up with some of the maneuver forces in the field -- particularly where there is sand; the heavier vehicles have the potential for getting bogged down in the sand. The MEADS end items [will be] very lightweight and can move very rapidly with the maneuver force."

"When you're talking about putting as many as 12 PAC-3 [Patriot Advanced Capability Level-3] missiles on a launcher, that is considerable firepower, especially when that launcher can move quickly," he added.
MEADS system elements include a UHF-band surveillance radar, capable of rotating or staring, depending on the threat; a tactical operation center (TOC), with capabilities for automated planning, full engagement operations, force operations and even functioning as a radio relay; an X-band fire control radar; and a MEADS launcher capable of carrying up to 12 PAC-3 missiles.

"The United States asked for the PAC-3 missile to become our baseline," Seckinger observed. "However, that does not mean that the MEADS system could not fire other missiles."

For the sake of basic definitions, program participants define a MEADS fire unit as one surveillance radar, two TOCs, two fire control radars and six launchers.

However, with a high degree of system flexibility and plug and fight features, MEADS can be tailored and scaled to a particular employment scenario. For example, a single critical asset, such as an airfield, could be protected during peacetime or stability and support operations by a single launcher, a TOC and the fire control radar. At the other end of the conflict scale, a major theater of war would see the employment of multiple radars, TOCs and launchers.

"In addition, MEADS can provide significant homeland defense for NATO allies," Seckinger added.

Following program down-select in May 1999, MEADS experienced pretransition and transition efforts before entering the current risk reduction effort (RRE) in the first half of calendar year 2001. As of this writing, the RRE is 85 percent complete with a number of test successes already accomplished.

Activities have included simulating incorporation/performance of the PAC-3 missile, completion of technologies assessment on 21 technologies identified as critical, development and demonstration of a lightweight launcher and development of the MEADS fire control radar.

"We are on track," Seckinger said. "We are executing the RRE contract very, very successfully. At the very end of RRE, in March of 2004, we're going to be doing a system demo in Italy to conclude our RRE effort. And we're expecting the design and development contract award as early as April 2004.

The March 2004 system demonstration, which will feature the new fire control radar, battle management/command, control, communications, computers and intelligence software, and the launcher, will involve tracking live targets and developing a fire solution but not actually firing missiles.

Although the PAC-3 has been selected as the baseline missile for MEADS, Seckinger stressed that the design incorporates both inter- and intra-system plug and fight capabilities, which would facilitate the integration of additional missiles -- like the U.S. surface launched advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (SLAMRAAM) or the German infra red search and track missile -- or even additional sensors.

"The United States, for example, was interested in JLENS [joint land-attack cruise missile defense elevated netted sensor system] in order to detect oncoming cruise missiles," Seckinger said. "So we can absolutely integrate JLENS into this architecture."

Praising the internationally cooperative aspects of the MEADS effort to date, Seckinger summarized, "This air and missile defense program is clearly a new way of doing business for all three nations. It's a major development program and this next phase, which will be 45 percent of the budget, will come from our European partners."

"We've demonstrated that this international team of industry partners has pulled together to successfully execute a very comprehensive RRE program and we're in a position now to take on the design and development contract in 2004," he concluded.

In addition to the three participating MEADS partners, a number of other potential international customers have reportedly expressed interest in the program.

Unter einem Dementi versteht man in der Diplomatie die verneinende Bestätigung einer Nachricht, die bisher lediglich ein Gerücht gewesen ist.

Beiträge in diesem Thema
- Pascal   MEADS   17. Feb 2004, 20:19
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- - tommy1808   QUOTE(Wodka @ 02.01.2005, 11:25)Zurück zu Mea...   2. Jan 2005, 16:42
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