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> Next Generation Rotorcraft Capabilities, Der "NH40" der NATO
Beitrag 19. Nov 2020, 18:36 | Beitrag #1
+Quote PostProfile CardPM
Beiträge: 20.508

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 06.08.2002

Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Italien und das UK haben haben eine AbsichtserklĂ€rung fĂŒr Next Generation Rotorcraft Capabilities im Zeitraum 2035-2040+ unterzeichnet. Im Endeffekt lĂ€uft es auf einen Nachfolger fĂŒr (Super) Puma, EH101 und, ggf. etwas spĂ€ter, auch den NH90 hinaus.

A significant number of medium multi role helicopter capabilities currently operated by Allies will reach the end of their life cycle in the 2035 – 2040 period and beyond, with the subsequent need for replacements. The Next Generation Rotorcraft project aims to develop a solution for these upcoming requirements, leveraging a broad range of recent advances in technology, production methods, as well as operational concepts. Over the coming years, experts from all four nations will cover an exhaustive program of work, starting with defining a robust Statement of Requirements and a multi-phase cooperation plan. The Defence Ministers of the five Allies signed a Letter of Intent to develop an entirely new helicopter capability. The signature was added virtually from the capitals of participating nations.

Interessant dabei ist, dass sowohl Italien als auch das UK zweigleisig verfahren zu scheinen, jedenfalls haben sie Interesse bekundet, sich an das amerikanische Vorhaben Future Vertical Lift anzuhÀngen. FVL ist Àhnlich gelagert, aber mit leichten, mittleren und schweren Klassen breiter aufgestellt.

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210 - Cleveland Browns 3
Beitrag 14. May 2021, 20:36 | Beitrag #2
+Quote PostProfile CardPM
Beiträge: 20.508

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 06.08.2002

Es gibt mittlerweile eine Übersicht der Rahmenkonzeption fĂŒr NGRC. Diese wurde bewusst sehr generisch und z.B. im Bereich der angestrebten Geschwindigkeiten recht konservativ abgesteckt, weil man die Industrie nicht zu frĂŒh in zu enge Bahnen zwingen möchte. Dabei ist angedacht, nicht zwingend ein direktes Konkurrenzmuster zum amerikanischen Großvorhaben Future Vertical Lift (FVL) zu entwickeln, sondern eine Plattform, die FVL gut ergĂ€nzen kann. Die rein fliegerischen Leistungen und viele andere Merkmale sind daher ĂŒberschaubar und könnten bereits mit vorhandenen Mustern abgedeckt werden.

  1. Ability to act as an optionally unmanned/remotely piloted vehicle.
  2. Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) inclusive of the digital backbone and AI AIDED multi‐sensor fusion, allowing cost effective and simple integration of upgrades and spiral development (including nationally sensitive/proprietary equipment).
  3. Manoeuvrability & Agility: Level 1 (the pilot is able to achieve all missions including Deck landings, Low Level (NOE) NVD, Formation, within safety and performance standards).
  4. Availability of >75% on operational/forward fleet for an enduring period (i.e. at least 3 of 4 routinely available every day). A technical-logistic support system based on in-flight data exchange between aircraft and ship or ground station.
  5. Internal cabin dimensions of at least 2m x 1.6m x 5m facilitating transport of 12-16 troops in Combat Equipment Marching Order (CEMO) (160kg) or being usable for installation of mission equipment such as ASW.
  6. Affordability: Fly-away cost of no greater than €35M and cost per flight hour optimally €5,000 but no greater than €10,000 (based on 2021 values).
  7. Load Lifting capacity of >4,000kg (Combined external and internal) and at least 2,500kg of internal cabin payload with Max Fuel/ 80% Max Fuel.
  8. Range: Must have an unrefuelled range > 900nm (1650km).
  9. ROA > 400nm with 30 minute loiter time.
  10. Cruise airspeed in mission configuration: optimally 220 Kts or more but not less than 180 Kts.
  11. Ability for rapid reconfiguration of aircraft in accordance with operator’s individual requirements (Special ops, ASuW/ ASW / EW, SAR, PR, MEDEVAC, other).
  12. Endurance: >5 hrs with crew and payload of >1,000 Kgs. (Target 8 hours endurance with range tanks).
  13. Maximum mission take-off gross target weight (MAUM) of 10,000kg – 17,000kg.
  14. Able to be deployed for medium-long periods (6-9 months) and fully operate from Frigate (FF)/Destroyer (DD) class of vessel, i.e. not larger than the footprint or dimension of either NH-90 (NFH), or AW-101, including the optional capability of folding main rotor/tail to be moved onto ship's elevator/hangar for maritime operations.
  15. Common airframe to land/air and maritime variants (fully “wet-assembled”), which has to address all land/air and maritime requirements. In case they cannot be addressed, development of separate land/air and maritime variants should be considered.

  1. Performance: HOGE 4000ft @ISA+25° Celsius (95 °F) at MAUM.
  2. Multiplex fly by light/fly by wire.
  3. Responsiveness: 2 min automated rapid start, full systems at 8 min.
  4. Mission Equipment incl. Rescue Hoist, cargo sling, Fast Rope, LTES, RTES, FMV Downlink capability, deck lock, surface radar, early warning radar, sonar, tactical data link, deck lock, ballistic protections, Electro-Optical sensor.
  5. Novel/Hybrid Powerplant (3000 SHP+).
  6. Advanced Teaming of organic and 3rd party assets (included Teaming & Interoperability with unmanned vehicle (MUMT):
    - capability to manage swarm drone;
    - capability to launch small (mini-micro) drone (expendable and attritable);
    - capability to recover small (mini-micro) drone (recoverable).
  7. Air Transportable in a single A400M (or C-17) without the disassembly of major systems.
  8. Air to Air refuelling capability (as a receiver and optionally a donor).
  9. Capable of full range of scalable, lethal, and non-lethal effects, including the available hard points and mountings such that msn equipment, ALE, launch tubes/rails and ISTAR hardware can be physically integrated.
  10. Armaments. Improved Crew Served Weapons. Options for rockets, missiles, Air Launched Effects (ALE), and Tactical Off Board Sensors (TOBS).

AviationWeek (.pdf)
VerticalMag (allgemein zu NGRC)

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210 - Cleveland Browns 3

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