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> Saudi Arabien vs. Iran vs. Türkei, Machtpole und "Regional Player" im islamischen Vorderasien
Schwabo Elite
Beitrag 24. Mar 2016, 16:35 | Beitrag #1
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Generalmajor d.R.
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Mitglied seit: 10.06.2002

Liebe User,

nach l�ngerer Downtime hat sich das WHQ-Team darauf geeinigt die zuletzt sehr hei�en und wenig konstruktiven Diskussionen zu den Konflikten in Nordafrika sowie dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten neu zu starten. Dabei w�rden wir gerne den geographisch und politisch sehr weiten Raum von Iran bis Marokko in vorerst drei Threads aufteilen. Die Threads zu

  • B�rgerkriege in Syrien und im Irak - Die Neuordnung Mesopotamiens?
  • Nordafrika - Revolutionen & Transformationen
  • Saudi Arabien vs. Iran vs. T�rkei - Machtpole und "Regional Player" im islamischen Vorderasien

gehen damit online. Wir w�rden uns w�nschen, dass die sicher auftretenden �berschneidungen, z. B. eine iranisch-saudische Stellvertreterproblematik in Mesopotamien, von Euch allen in einer Art freiwilliger Selbstkontrolle gesteuert werden. Das hei�t, es liegt an Euch �berschneidungen auf m�glichst einen Thread zu reduzieren oder direkt neue Threads zu beginnen.

Insbesondere das neue Beginnen von Threads oder die Bitte an uns um Ausgliederung hilft uns sehr und reduziert moderative Schlie�ungen von Threads. Es ist immer umst�ndlicher "am offenen Herzen zu operieren" und Themen auszulagern, w�hrend weitere Beitr�ge produziert werden. Wenn Ihr also selbst auf Kontexte und Rote F�den achtet, bleiben Diskussionen l�nger lebendig. Neue Threads und ein Mehr an Diskussionen finden daher grunds�tzlich unsere Unterst�tzung.

Viel Vergn�gen,
Euer WHQ-Team

Der Beitrag wurde von Glorfindel bearbeitet: 5. Aug 2023, 18:55

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Beitrag 30. Jan 2017, 17:34 | Beitrag #2
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U.S. Commando Killed in Yemen in Trump’s First Counterterrorism Operation

JAN. 29, 2017

WASHINGTON — One American commando was killed and three others were wounded in a fierce firefight early Sunday with Qaeda militants in central Yemen, the military said on Sunday. It was the first counterterrorism operation authorized by President Trump since he took office, and the commando was the first United States service member to die in the yearslong shadow war against Al Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate.

Members of the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 carried out the surprise dawn attack, and the military said that about 14 Qaeda fighters were killed during a nearly hourlong battle. A Qaeda leader — a brother-in-law of Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born cleric and top Qaeda leader in Yemen, who died in a drone strike in 2011 — was believed to have been killed.

After initially denying that there were any civilian casualties, American officials said they were assessing reports that women and children had died in the attack.

The military’s Joint Special Operations Command had been planning the mission for months, according to three senior American officials. Obama administration aides had deliberated extensively over the proposed operation, weighing the value of any information that might be recovered against the risk to the Special Operations forces plunging into hostile territory. But administration officials ultimately opted to hand the decision on the mission to their successors.
Continue reading the main story

Mr. Trump, who has vowed to increase pressure on militant groups worldwide, was quickly persuaded that the rewards were worth the gamble, and he authorized the mission last week, military officials said. Commandos waited for a moonless evening on Saturday to exploit their advantage of fighting at night.

As helicopter gunships and armed Reaper drones provided cover, the commandos carried out the attack against the home of the Qaeda leader in the rugged mountainous region of Bayda Province, a part of Yemen that has been a focal point of United States military operations over the past month. The main target was computer materials inside the house that could contain clues about future terrorist plots.

In a statement on Sunday, Mr. Trump called the raid “successful” and said that it had captured “important intelligence that will assist the U.S. in preventing terrorism against its citizens and people around the world.” He also lamented the loss of the American service member “in our fight against the evil of radical Islamic terrorism.”

The military’s Central Command said in an earlier statement on Sunday that “similar operations have produced intelligence on Al Qaeda logistics, recruiting and financing efforts.” In previous raids in Iraq, Syria and Somalia, commandos have recovered laptop computers, thumb drives and cellphones that yielded important information about militant leaders’ locations, activities and associates.

A United States military aircraft helping with the operation experienced a “hard landing” near the site of the raid, resulting in injuries to two other service members, military officials said. That aircraft, identified by a senior American official as an Osprey that was evacuating the troops wounded in the firefight, was unable to fly after the landing and was deliberately destroyed by American airstrikes. The wounded troops and the Osprey’s crew were lifted to safety by another American aircraft.

American officials and analysts said the Qaeda leader who was believed to have been killed was Abdulrauf al Dhahab.



Servicemember killed in raid on al-Qa’ida headquarters in Yemen

TAMPA, Fla. – One U.S. servicemember died of wounds suffered in a raid against al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen, Jan. 28.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of one of our elite servicemembers,” said Commander of U.S. Central Command Gen. Joseph Votel. “The sacrifices are very profound in our fight against terrorists who threaten innocent peoples across the globe.”

Three U.S. servicemembers were wounded in the raid.

A U.S. military aircraft assisting in the operation experienced a hard landing at a nearby location, resulting in an additional U.S. injury. That aircraft was unable to fly after the landing. The aircraft was then intentionally destroyed in place.

The operation resulted in an estimated 14 AQAP members being killed and the capture of information that will likely provide insight into the planning of future terror plots.

This is one in a series of aggressive moves against terrorist planners in Yemen and worldwide. Similar operations have produced intelligence on al-Qa’ida logistics, recruiting and financing efforts.

The name of the servicemember killed in action is being withheld pending next of kin notification.


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