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> Abstürze von militärischem Fluggerät
Beitrag 22. May 2007, 19:42 | Beitrag #1
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Beiträge: 2.681

Gruppe: Members
Mitglied seit: 05.12.2005

Parallel zum entsprechenden Thread im Fahrzeugbereich gedacht, nachdem wir ja nur einen Thread für US-Hubschrauber haben.

Bild: http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u63/Lancero2/maio/20070522163232ENLUS0101610611798515.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)

PHILIPPINES HELICOPTER CRASH-epa01016106 Philippine Air Force troops go around a military helicopter that crash-landed in an open field in Liloan, Cebu province of the central Philippines, 22 May 2007. Initial reports from Liloan police said that four military crew and two possible civilians were on board during the crash. No deaths were reported but passengers sustained injuries and were brought to a nearby hospital as investigation continues to determine the cause of the crash. EPA/STR

Major Steiner

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Beitrag 23. May 2007, 19:31 | Beitrag #2
+Quote PostProfile CardPM
Beiträge: 2.681

Gruppe: Members
Mitglied seit: 05.12.2005

4.September 2001: A-10 bei Trainingsflug zerschellt, Pilot konnte sich retten.

Bild: http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2001/Sep-04-Tue-2001/photos/home.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Tuesday, September 04, 2001
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
Fighter jet crashes; pilot ejects to safety

Training flight originated at Nellis

A fighter jet crashed Monday into an Arizona cliff near Mesquite about a half-hour after taking off from Nellis Air Force Base.

The pilot ejected safely before the single-seat A-10 Thunderbolt II struck mountainous terrain and burst into flames in the Virgin River Gorge about 100 miles northeast of Las Vegas in extreme northwest Arizona.

The Air Force is investigating the crash, which destroyed the $8.8 million aircraft.

Witnesses to the 1 p.m. incident said they saw the plane "mock dogfighting" and performing maneuvers such as dives and barrel rolls in the minutes preceding the incident.

Air Force officials said the pilot was on a routine, low-altitude navigational training mission and was not participating in Red Flag exercises at Nellis.

The twin-engine aircraft had departed Nellis about 1:30 p.m. in formation with two other A-10s, said Col. Steve Rapp, vice commander of the 57th Wing at Nellis. They were bound for Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, N.M., one of several stops in a cross-country exercise.

But crash witnesses Eddie and Traci Roberts said the maneuvers seemed anything but routine.

The Robertses were traveling on Interstate 15 on their way back to Las Vegas from Zion National Park when they noticed the three planes.

"They start swooping back and forth and flying low, doing barrel rolls, rolling from side to side," said Eddie Roberts, 33. "They were cutting back around canyon walls."

Seconds later, the Robertses said they saw two of the aircraft -- nicknamed Warthogs -- ascend and noticed a bright glint on the one that didn't climb.

"Then we saw it just hit the side of the mountain," Eddie Roberts said. "The explosion had to be about a hundred times larger than the aircraft itself."

Lt. Col. Joan Ferguson said she couldn't explain what the witnesses reported but suggested they might be misidentifying the aerial maneuvers they were watching.

"What the witnesses may describe as barrel rolls may not be what we call barrel rolls," she said. "While I don't doubt what they saw, their description would probably be different from ours."

Ferguson said pilots are authorized to maneuver aggressively to maintain safe terrain clearance.

The pilot of the crashed aircraft escaped the incident with only scratches and bruises.

"He's in good shape considering the circumstances," Rapp said at an afternoon briefing outside Nellis' main gate. "He's in a little bit of a shock, but he is lucid. ... He just was so glad that he was rescued."

The pilot's name was not released pending notification of relatives. All three planes belong to the 23rd Fighter Group based at Pope Air Force Base near Fayetteville, N.C. They were assigned to the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C.

Motorists traveling I-15 between Mesquite and St. George, Utah, reported seeing the jet drop from the two other aircraft.

Shortly after witnesses saw black smoke billowing from the gorge, the pilot set off a flare. He then trekked about 150 meters with his parachute in tow to a site where a Metropolitan Police Department Search and Rescue helicopter could safely airlift him, Rapp said.

He was flown to O'Callaghan Federal Hospital at the base, where he was expected to be kept overnight for observation, base spokesman Mike Estrada said.

When the police helicopter landed at the base, the pilot was able to get out and walk without assistance. The two other A-10 pilots flew their planes back to Nellis for interviews about the incident, Estrada said.

When asked why the New Mexico-bound planes were flying toward Utah, Rapp explained that the training exercise's flight path was not in a straight line.

The pilots were instructed to first go north, then turn east, then south. The crash site was near one of the three turning points on their route, Rapp said.

A-10s are designed for close air support of ground forces. According to the Air Force, A-10s flew 8,100 sorties during the Persian Gulf War, launching 90 percent of the Maverick missiles used in Operation Desert Storm.

Monday's accident was the first crash of a fighter that took off from Nellis since March 23, when a German Air Force fighter-bomber participating in Red Flag exercises crashed about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas. Both crew members were killed.

Die Wrackteile wurden anscheinend nur teilweise geräumt, eine private Gruppe hat später Fotos gemacht:

Bild: http://www.mtn-man.org/images/vegas/DSCN5124_1.JPG (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Bild: http://www.mtn-man.org/images/vegas/DSCN5117_1.JPG (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Mehr Bilder konnte ich über den Vorfall bisher leider nicht finden.

Major Steiner

€dit: Beschädigte A-10 Thunderbolt II vom 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing (Operation Iraqi Freedom)

Bild: http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Stories1/001-100/0016_A-10-battle-damage/01.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Quelle mit mehr Bildern und Text

Der Beitrag wurde von Major_Steiner bearbeitet: 23. May 2007, 19:34


Beiträge in diesem Thema
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- - Major_Steiner   Gut, dann gab es doch keinen versteckten Thread, d...   22. May 2007, 22:15
- - Major_Steiner   4.September 2001: A-10 bei Trainingsflug zerschell...   23. May 2007, 19:31
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- - revolution   Bild: http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/8310/airs...   25. Jun 2007, 14:20
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- - MiC   Von dem Unfall gibt es glaube ich auch ein Video, ...   26. Jun 2007, 11:20
- - Hummingbird   Bild: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/07/...   8. Jul 2007, 23:18
- - Hummingbird   Bild: http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/5048/blackh...   12. Aug 2007, 22:18
|- - skape   ZITAT(Hummingbird @ 12. Aug 2007, 22:18) ...   21. Nov 2007, 23:16
- - Hummingbird   Bild: http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/5926/rtr1...   20. Aug 2007, 16:16
- - LoneWolf   Bild: http://www.acig.org/artman/uploads/p-30.jpg ...   19. Sep 2007, 00:41
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- - Hummingbird   ZITAT(skape @ 21. Nov 2007, 23:16) ZITAT(...   21. Nov 2007, 23:40
|- - planlos   ZITAT(skape @ 21. Nov 2007, 23:16) ZITAT(...   26. Nov 2007, 20:44
- - skape   Tja was sonst, deshalb frage ich. €dit: U...   22. Nov 2007, 00:51
- - revolution   http://www2.irna.ir/en/news/view/menu-234/...66302...   26. Nov 2007, 20:34
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- - lord_drizzt78   B-2 der US-Luftwaffe abgestürzt http://www.focus....   25. Feb 2008, 09:00
|- - schleicher   ZITAT(lord_drizzt78 @ 25. Feb 2008, 08:00...   15. Apr 2008, 00:29
|- - seafox   ZITAT(lord_drizzt78 @ 25. Feb 2008, 08:00...   22. May 2008, 15:35
- - Hummingbird   Bild: http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/1117/atta...   11. Mar 2008, 15:16
- - Hummingbird   Bild: http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/4386/8053...   11. Apr 2008, 19:28
- - goschi   das ist aber nach der Sprengung durch eigene Trupp...   11. Apr 2008, 19:35
- - Hummingbird   Wer schlau ist versteht was ich geschrieben habe u...   11. Apr 2008, 19:41
- - goschi   was du meintest war mir schon klar, aber ist etwas...   11. Apr 2008, 19:54
- - revolution   http://www2.irna.ir/en/news/view/menu-234/...41014...   14. Apr 2008, 20:04
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- - Dave76   Ja. Ist mittels Google-Wikipedia aber auch leicht ...   15. Apr 2008, 09:36
- - revolution   Nachtrag..es war keine SU-25, sondern eine SU-24. ...   16. Apr 2008, 10:12
- - Striker   Bild: http://www.c-7acaribou.com/album/photos/Cari...   22. May 2008, 12:18
- - Wodka   Na, die Maschine taucht hier aber öfter auf   22. May 2008, 13:42
- - Striker   Ups Sorry   22. May 2008, 13:44
|- - Wodka   ZITAT(Striker @ 22. May 2008, 14:44) Ups ...   22. May 2008, 13:47
- - Dave76   Jupp, hatten wir schon ein paar Mal. Solange nicht...   22. May 2008, 14:04
- - bill kilgore   Hier gibt es auch noch ein klein wenig mehr: http:...   22. May 2008, 17:20
- - revolution   Absturz Nummer 5 für die Inder in diesem Jahr... ...   24. May 2008, 00:18
- - Pille1234   Bild: http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/4201/s1mt...   1. Jun 2008, 20:49
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- - Dave76   ZITATB-2 ACCIDENT REPORT RELEASED Release Number...   6. Jun 2008, 09:18
|- - SeaTiger   ZITAT(Dave76 @ 6. Jun 2008, 08:18) Quelle...   6. Jun 2008, 11:16
- - MiC   ZITATBerlin, 19.06.2008. Ein spanischer Hubschraub...   21. Jun 2008, 10:37
- - Crazy Butcher   deutsche bell im kosovo ... http://picasaweb.googl...   3. Jul 2008, 19:03
- - wiesel   Nix sehen.   3. Jul 2008, 19:23
|- - MiC   ZITAT(wiesel @ 3. Jul 2008, 20:23) Nix se...   3. Jul 2008, 20:06
- - wiesel   Entweder kommt Server Error oder Seiten-Ladefehler...   3. Jul 2008, 20:36
- - Crazy Butcher   jetzt? http://lh6.ggpht.com/OGorin/RdNFbieoVzI/AA....   3. Jul 2008, 20:53
- - MiC   Ich übernehm das mal: Bild: http://img158.imagesha...   3. Jul 2008, 20:58
- - goschi   das ist "U-88" Bild: http://foto.arcor-o...   3. Jul 2008, 21:03
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|- - goschi   ZITAT(MajorPayne @ 8. Jul 2008, 18:29) ZI...   8. Jul 2008, 21:04
- - revolution   http://www2.irna.ir/en/news/view/line-22/0...74008...   7. Jul 2008, 22:19
- - harmlos   Das sind eben Soldaten und keine Hallenhalmaspiele...   8. Jul 2008, 18:16
|- - MiC   ZITAT(harmlos @ 8. Jul 2008, 19:16) Das s...   8. Jul 2008, 18:30
- - Hummingbird   Das sind Militärpiloten, von denen von heute auf m...   8. Jul 2008, 18:42
- - Wodka   Piloten waren schon immer so und werden auch immer...   8. Jul 2008, 18:50
- - Hummingbird   Nicht alle Piloten sind "hotdogs". Aller...   8. Jul 2008, 18:54
- - MajorPayne   Hummingbird, nach goschi's Post zu urteilen ha...   8. Jul 2008, 19:48
|- - Wodka   ZITAT(MajorPayne @ 8. Jul 2008, 20:48) Hu...   8. Jul 2008, 19:59
- - Crazy Butcher   nein, jetzt sag bitte nicht, dass soldaten auch nu...   8. Jul 2008, 19:54
|- - Wodka   ZITAT(Crazy Butcher @ 8. Jul 2008, 20:54)...   8. Jul 2008, 20:01
- - Hummingbird   Beim Militär gibt es da Sonderregelungen für das u...   8. Jul 2008, 20:06
|- - Wodka   ZITAT(Hummingbird @ 8. Jul 2008, 21:06) B...   8. Jul 2008, 20:07
- - Tody   Als Sonderregelung fällt mir spontan die Erlaubnis...   8. Jul 2008, 20:08
- - Hummingbird   Bitte zwing mich nicht dazu mich durch den Paragra...   8. Jul 2008, 20:13
- - MajorPayne   Danke für's raussuchen der Info, Hummingbird. ...   8. Jul 2008, 20:48
|- - Crazy Butcher   ZITAT(MajorPayne @ 8. Jul 2008, 21:48) Da...   8. Jul 2008, 21:27
- - Kleiner   haben wir nicht auch alle mal knapp überholt? bish...   8. Jul 2008, 22:05
- - Hummingbird   "my hovercraft is full of eels" Bild...   29. Jul 2008, 16:08
- - Stormcrow   Die arme Schönheit...   29. Jul 2008, 16:45
- - Enigma   siehe übrigens auch hier   29. Jul 2008, 18:54
- - Fennek   Heute, Kaukasus. Bild: http://i33.tinypic.com/xlj...   9. Aug 2008, 18:22
- - Flashpointer   Laut russischen Angaben wurden eine Tu-22 und Su-2...   9. Aug 2008, 18:54
- - MMG   Afghanen graben die Reste eines abgeschossenen rus...   1. Nov 2008, 09:52
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