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> Army-News
Beitrag 6. Feb 2006, 20:42 | Beitrag #31
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M1128 Stryker MGS geht in Produktion
New Stryker Variants Gear Up for Testing
Posted 02-Feb-2006 09:49
Related stories: Americas - Other, Americas - USA, Contracts - Awards, Design Innovations, Force Structure, General Dynamics, Guns - 60+ mm direct, New Systems Tech, Support & Maintenance, Tanks & Mechanized, Testing & Evaluation
Also on this day: 02-Feb-2006 »

General Dynamics Land Systems in Sterling Heights, MI received a $24.5 million contract for spare parts that are unique to the two newest Stryker variants: the M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun System (MGS) and the M1135 Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBCRV). This contract funds procurement of initial unique spares for the first-time fielding of these two variants, and has a total potential value of $50 million if all options are exercised.

So, how does this fit into the evolution of the USA's Stryker vehicle family, and future production plans?

The Stryker MGS and NBCRV variants entered low-rate initial production (LRIP) in December 2005. General Dynamics will deliver 17 of the Stryker NBC Reconnaissance Version and 72 of the Mobile Gun Sysytem variants during low-rate initial production. The vehicles will be used for various tests and user evaluations through Q4 2007, and the Milestone C decision to begin full-rate production of both variants is also slated for the fourth quarter of 2007.

The M1128 Stryker MGS variant is meant as a direct-fire infantry assault vehicle with a 105mm cannon mounted in a low-profile, fully stabilized, \"shoot-on-the-move\" turret. It's intended to provide firepower support for Stryker Brigade Combat Teams, primarily for engaging hardened positions but also for dealing with enemy vehicles as required. It will also be used by the Canadian Armed forces.

Stryker MGS has had a rocky development history, with widespread reports of problems with the recoil of its gun and center of gravity. DID's photo up top would even appear to indicate a support bracket for firing tests, though a specific inquiry to General Dynamics Land Systems, we received this response:

As you can see from the photo the recoil is not a problem firing the gun for the vehicle.... in the past critics have made the claim that you could not fire over the side but the photo proves you can. What you identified in the red box is the instrumentation cables used to manual fire the gun and collect data. Other photos show the same cables as well.

Recoil was not an issue it was the pepper-pot muzzle break on the earlier vehicles that was used to let gas escape and lesson the recoil. When we lowered the gun turret to allow loading in C-130 Hercules the gas from firing was too close to the vehicles front end. We returned to a standard 105mm cannon without the pepper pot muzzle break and adjusted for the recoil in the mechanism.

The M1135 Stryker NBCRV, meanwhile, provides the U.S. Army's Stryker Brigade Combat Teams with the Department of Defense's newest nuclear, biological and chemical detection equipment in a Stryker chassis. The core of the NBC RV is its on-board integrated NBC sensor suite and integrated meteorological system. An NBC positive overpressure system that minimizes cross-contamination of samples and detection instruments, provides crew protection, and allows extended operations at MOPP 0 (i.e. without protective clothing for its occupants).

The MGS and NBCRV have a high level commonality with the rest of the 310 Strykers that comprise a Stryker Brigade Combat Team, easing the unit's training and logistics burden. The Army is slated to have six Stryker Brigade Combat Teams by 2008, and some of them have already served in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Work will be performed in Sterling Heights, MI (73%), London Ontario, Canada (15%), Tallahassee, FL (10%), and Scranton, PA (2%), and is expected to be complete by July 31, 2007. This was a sole source contract initiated on Dec. 9, 2003 by the Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command in Warren, MI (DAAE07-02-C-B001).


Man beachte insebsondere das Bild mit der Bildunterschrift "MGS - C'est What?!?" evil.gif

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 10. Feb 2006, 16:10 | Beitrag #32
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Beiträge: 11.635

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Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

Braucht jemand ein BARV? Gebraucht, gut erhalten.  :)


Bild: http://www.amphibiousvehicle.net/amphi/B/barv.jpeg (Bild automatisch entfernt)

nur £19.500 (ohne Steuer)

€dith sagt, das seien 28.506,69 t€URo

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 10. Feb 2006, 20:53 | Beitrag #33
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Raytheon's Quick Kill Achieves a First; Decimates 'Enemy' RPG in Test with Precision Launched Munition

MCKINNEY, Texas, Feb. 8, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Raytheon Company's
new Quick Kill System is the first active protection system (APS) to destroy a
rocket propelled grenade (RPG) at close range, using a precision launched
warhead with a focused blast. The successful test occurred at a New Mexico
Institute of Mining and Technology test center Feb. 7, 2006.
   Quick Kill is a new \"hit avoidance\" system designed by Raytheon to protect
combat vehicles and their warfighters from enemy fire. It destroys enemy
weapons with speed, surgical accuracy and minimal collateral damage. The
system is capable of instantly engaging projectiles fired from any location
around or above the vehicle.
   The test featured an RPG launched at close range, simulating an engagement
of a Stryker combat vehicle equipped with Raytheon's Quick Kill system. The
Quick Kill's active electronically scanned array radar detected and tracked
the RPG and -- after computing its speed, trajectory and intercept point --
cued the precision-launched weapon to counterattack and destroy the RPG with
its focused blast warhead. The weapon performed a vertical \"soft launch,\"
pitched over, accelerated to the point of intercept, fired its warhead and
destroyed the RPG in mid-air. All of this occurred in the proverbial blink of
an eye.
   Raytheon's approach to this technological breakthrough is equivalent to
firing a weapon around a corner and hitting another weapon, while both speed
through the air at hundreds of meters per second. Raytheon is the first
company to develop and then prove this concept of engagement by successfully
intercepting an RPG at close range.
   \"Quick Kill's speed, precision and effectiveness are truly amazing,\" said
Glynn Raymer, vice president of Raytheon Combat Systems. \"It offers our
current force warfighters a level of battlefield protection that no one has
ever seen before.\"
   \"We wanted to prove the APS technology as quickly as possible and
accelerate its fielding to warfighters,\" said Johnny Garrett, director of
Raytheon Integrated Systems. \"Using our own money, Raytheon took Quick Kill
from concept to reality in fewer than six months.\"


Aktives Phased-Array-Radar und VLS mit "Abfangflugkörpern", interessant.

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210 - Cleveland Browns 3
Beitrag 11. Feb 2006, 14:27 | Beitrag #34
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Mitglied seit: 01.07.2003

\"Dude, Where's My Pandur?\"

Posted 10-Feb-2006 13:57
On February 3, 2006, it was reported that 15 of Belgium's Pandur armored personnel carriers were stolen, together with radio equipment and field kitchens. The equipment was meant for a Beninese battalion that is part of the UN force in the Congo.Thanks to some help from DID's Benelux reader David Vandenberghe, DID can bring you the details.
In December a ship under the flag of Saint Kitts & Nevis (VRT's report was incorrect) left the Belgian port of Zeebrugge for Congo, chartered by Geodis under the auspices of the UN. The cargo ship never made it to its destination. Four weeks ago the ship was seized in a port in Equatorial Guinea....

The MV Eurocarrier ship had apparently made an unplanned stop without permission from Geodis in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea in West Africa. VRT reports that the four Beninese soldiers that were guarding the material were imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea, while the expensive freight was taken off the ship. This apparently happened about 6 weeks ago; meanwhile GvA (Newspaper from Antwerp) reports that the Beninese guards were released almost in late January 2006; the 23 ship crew are reported to be \"under house arrest.\"
Bild: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/LAND_Pandur_APC.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)
Pandur APC
I suppose it's worth mentioning at this point that 15 Pandur APCs actually represent fully one-quarter of Belgium's total inventory. Or a third of its remaining inventory, take your pick.
Meanwhile, It's hard to decide which response to all this has more dark humour value - the UN's, or Belgium's.
VRT News reports that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has already contacted the president of Equatorial Guinea, but reports noted that \"these talks did not yield much result.\" Imagine. The report adds that: \"A United Nations team is to set out to the area to inspect the convoy. It is feared however that the expensive material is stolen.\"
Good idea to send a UN team to confirm that one.
The Belgian army, meanwhile, says that the responsibility for the incident lies entirely with the UN and the freight carrier:
\"Army spokesman Nick Van Haver confirms that the ship is still kept under embargo and that the UN is looking for a diplomatic solution. He added that Belgium is only lending the material to the UN and that it is the UN that has to deal with the matter now.\"

Nothing like calling on the UN's expertise with stolen property. Yeah, that ought to get their 15 APCs back...


Don't let the trees die in vain: Print before you think!
Beitrag 15. Feb 2006, 15:21 | Beitrag #35
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Großkaliber-Aufträge für Rheinmetall: Türkei und die Niederlande ordern Munition im Wert von 79 Mio. Euro

Neue Aufträge für Großkaliber-Munition im Wert von rund 79 Mio. Euro hat die Rheinmetall AG, Düsseldorf, in der Türkei und in den Niederlanden akquiriert.

In Verbindung mit der Länderabgabe von 298 Leopard 2-Kampfpanzern aus Beständen der Bundeswehr an die türkischen Streitkräfte ist die Wehrtechnik-Sparte Rheinmetall Defence im Dezember 2005 damit beauftragt worden, insgesamt rund 15.000 Stück Munition im Kaliber 120 mm (KE-Munition des Typs DM 63 mit zugehörigen Übungspatronen) zu liefern. Der Auftragswert beläuft sich auf rund 46 Mio. Euro. Die Lieferung ist für den Zeitraum Juli 2006 bis Juni 2007 vorgesehen.

Dabei handelt es sich um eine so genannte Wuchtmunition auf Wolfram-Basis, die aufgrund ihres neuen temperatur-unabhängigen Pulvers ohne Einschränkungen zur Verwendung auch in extremen Klimazonen geeignet ist.

Nachdem die Bundeswehr sich als wichtiger Referenzkunde im Sommer 2005 zur Beschaffung dieser neuen Munition entschieden hat, stellt der vorliegende Auftrag den Durchbruch im internationalen Umfeld dar. Ein Marktpotential wird in rund zwanzig Staaten gesehen, deren Streitkräfte Kampfpanzer mit der 120 mm Großkaliber-Technologie von Rheinmetall nutzen.

Im Artilleriebereich von großer Bedeutung ist ein Auftrag der Streitkräfte des Königreichs Niederlande, die sich als Erstkunde für das neu entwickelte und von der Bundeswehr qualifizierte Geschoss des Typs Rh 40 DM 131 entschieden haben. Nicht nur mit einer Reichweite von über 40 km, sondern auch durch die Verwendung eines insensitiven Sprengstoffes markiert diese 155 mm Munition weltweit die technologische Spitze bei Artilleriegeschossen.


Der Auftrag hat ein Volumen von rund 33 Mio. Euro und umfasst 10.000 Geschosse sowie 67.000 dazugehörige weiterentwickelte und ebenfalls von der Bundeswehr qualifizierte Module DM 92 des Treibladungssystems MTLS. Die Lieferung wird bis Ende 2007 abgeschlossen. Die Niederlande beschaffen diese Munition (Geschosse und MTLS) im Rahmen ihrer Beschaffung der Panzerhaubitze 2000.

Beide Aufträge unterstreichen erneut die technologische Spitzenstellung Rheinmetalls auf dem Feld der Großkaliberwaffen und der dazugehörigen Munition.

Quelle: Rheinmetall
Beitrag 15. Feb 2006, 15:29 | Beitrag #36
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Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

Ist die DM63 überhaupt für die L/44 zugelassen? Ich dachte die wäre für die L/55 gedacht (die ja ein verstärktes Patronenlager hat)? mata.gif

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 15. Feb 2006, 15:31 | Beitrag #37
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Mitglied seit: 02.01.2004

Kann man DM63 nicht erst ab Leopard2 A5 verschießen? Die Türkei kriegt doch A4. confused.gif

Pulver ist schwarz
Blut ist rot
Golden flackert die Flamme
Beitrag 15. Feb 2006, 17:28 | Beitrag #38
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Warum sollte man die DM63 erst ab A5 verwenden können? Ist doch die gleiche Kanone. mata.gif
Wahrscheinlich brauchts nur ein Update des Feuerleitcomputers auf die neuen, ballistischen Daten. That's all.

Schon seit 20 Jahren: Waffen der Welt
Beitrag 15. Feb 2006, 17:31 | Beitrag #39
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Nein, ist es eben nicht. Das Patronenlager und die Rückstoßdämpfer im A5+ sind verstärkt um mit der DM53 fertig zu werden und die DM63 ist die klimainsensitive Version davon.

Man wird wohl auch aus A4 die DM53/63 verschiessen können, aber das wird der Waffenanlage wahrscheinlich nicht besonders gut tun auf Dauer.

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 15. Feb 2006, 17:35 | Beitrag #40
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Mitglied seit: 03.10.2002

Na schön, dann verstärkt man eben diese Teile und gut ist. Sagt keiner, daß die Panzer wie gesehen verkauft werden.

Schon seit 20 Jahren: Waffen der Welt
Beitrag 15. Feb 2006, 17:41 | Beitrag #41
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Mitglied seit: 06.08.2002

QUOTE(xena @ 15.02.2006, 17:35)
Sagt keiner, daß die Panzer wie gesehen verkauft werden.

Sagt aber auch keiner, daß die Dinger entsprechend angepasst werden.

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210 - Cleveland Browns 3
Beitrag 21. Feb 2006, 12:08 | Beitrag #42
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Mitglied seit: 22.10.2002

Gegen Topol-M gibt es keine Raketenabwehr
Offenbar wird es in diesem Jahr nicht gelingen, zwischen Russland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ein Abkommen über Raketenabwehr zu erzielen.


MOSKAU, 16. Februar (Andrej Kisljakow, RIA Novosti). Der Chef des US-Raketenabwehr-Programms im Pentagon, Trey Obering, hat am 19. Januar den erfolgreichen Abschluss des ersten Testes mit einem ganz neuartigen Triebwerk für künftige Abfangraketen bekannt gegeben. Die Abfangrakete, die Anfang des nächsten Jahrzehnts in die Bewaffnung aufgenommen werden soll, wird zu einem Schlüsselelement des amerikanischen Raketenabwehrsystems werden...............................


Die technische Entwicklung in unserer Gesellschaft hat in ihrem Voranschreiten nicht vor, auf die Entwicklung des menschlichen Geistes zu warten.
( http://www.t-64.de )
Beitrag 23. Feb 2006, 16:29 | Beitrag #43
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Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

46 M1 Abrams "Bausätze" zu verkaufen:

Doch noch was für den nächsten Winter gefunden als Bastelprojekt.  :smokin

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 24. Feb 2006, 11:33 | Beitrag #44
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Beiträge: 20.508

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 06.08.2002

Spain To Buy Israeli Missiles

Spain plans to buy 2,600 ground-to-ground missiles from Israeli firm Rafael in a deal worth 250 million euros ($300 million), El Mundo newspaper reported Feb. 20, although ministers did not confirm the story.

Rafael was facing competition from a U.S. consortium of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon and Europe’s MBDA, according to El Mundo, which said the Spanish Defense Ministry had informed the latter two camps that the Israelis had received the nod.

“The choice of Rafael is a new reverse for the European defense industry which will complicate, according to MBDA, the Spanish army’s interoperational possibilities with the French and German armies in future European combat missions,” said El Mundo, a conservative daily.

The paper quoted military sources as saying the Israeli Spike missile, which can be fired from a distance of four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the target and can be controlled in flight, fulfilled the technical criteria Spain was looking for to a greater degree than those of the rival bidders.

Agence France Presse, 21.02.06

Spanien kauft nun auch Spike-LR.
Im Verlaufe dieses Jahres dürfte sich auch die Bundeswehr für einen Milan-Nachfolger entscheiden, wenn das System ab 2007 zulaufen soll.
So langsam würde ich in dem Zusammenhang sogar Geld auf Spike-LR setzen wink.gif

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210 - Cleveland Browns 3
Beitrag 24. Feb 2006, 14:30 | Beitrag #45
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Beiträge: 11.635

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

Ich sehe schon "die Linke" protestieren. rolleyes.gif

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 28. Feb 2006, 15:15 | Beitrag #46
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Beiträge: 11.635

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

$2.6 Bn in Last-Minute Cuts to US Army's Heavy Forces Biting Deep

InsideDefense.com describes the ripple effect spreading outward from eleventh hour cuts to the Army's portion of the FY 2006 supplemental spending request, which stripped more than $2.6 billion for key improvements to Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, and other armored vehicle programs. It notes that these cuts will have significant effects, depriving the Army of key urban survival kits for its tanks, slowing modernization of the fleet and of a number of units, and driving up the price paid in the end while seriously disrupting production lines in the short term.

These effects also highlight some of the points that Straus Military Reform Project head Winslow Wheeler made about the budgetary process in a recent DID feature. Here's what's going on, why it matters, and how it ties back to both Wheeler's points and the US Army's Future Combat Systems plans....

According to Inside Defense, cuts included $588 million to produce 120 M1A2 SEP tanks for two enhanced brigade combat teams; $504 million for 210 refurbished M1A1 AIM tanks for three brigade combat teams in the National Guard; and $155 million for the Tank Urban Survivability Kit that was to be purchased this year and fielded to units in Iraq next year.

The Bradley M2A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle program also took a $1 billion hit in the cuts, and programs re: the Army's M88A2 Hercules tank recovery/tow vehicle and M113 Armored Personnel Carriers were cut to the tune of about $400 million.

This cut would delay fielding modernized tanks to both the active component and National Guard and push off the TUSK improvements specifically slated for Iraqi urban operations. The Bradley funding removal will delay fielding the most advanced M2A3 versions of the armored personnel carriers to three heavy brigade combat teams in the 1st Armed Division that are being transformed into modular units, and to \"a key experimental Army unit.\" The other armored vehicle cuts, meanwhile, will affect units at Fort Bills and 3 National Guard BCTs.

In addition, some reports estimate that these cuts may lead to an eight-month production break in the Abrams tank industrial base and cause severe disruptions in the Bradley line, driving up costs for the armored personnel carriers by as much as 50%.

Quelle: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/2006....hp#more

Army Slashes Abrams, Bradley Funding

Eleventh hour cuts to the Army's portion of the fiscal year 2006 supplemental spending request stripped billions of dollars for key improvements to Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles, setting back service plans to modernize the force and threatening to break assembly lines that upgrade these front-line combat systems, according to Pentagon documents and industry officials.

Last-minute efforts by the Office of the Secretary of Defense to trim the Pentagon's supplemental request down to $65.3 billion in mid-February forced the Army to slash more than $2 billion from its combat tracked vehicle lines, according to Pentagon officials.

Army officials are now looking to the next �bridge supplemental� spending request -- which could come as soon as the fall -- to restore those funds, according to Pentagon documents.

But that may be too late to avoid an eight-month production break in the Abrams tank industrial base and cause severe disruptions in the Bradley line, driving up costs for the armored personnel carriers by as much as 50 percent, according to Pentagon documents and industry officials.

More than $1.2 billion was wrung from the Abrams tank line last week in the budget maneuver, sending shock waves through the tank industrial base and service modernization plans. This cut would delay fielding modernized tanks to both the active component and National Guard and push off engine improvements necessary for Iraqi urban operations, according to Pentagon documents.

The Army is looking to streamline by 2013 its fleet of Abrams tanks down to two types: the M1A2 System Enhancement Program (SEP) for the active force and the M1A1 Abrams Integrated Management (AIM) program for the National Guard.

That schedule may be reconsidered, industry officials said, in the wake of the recent cuts, which include: $588 million to produce 120 M1A2 SEP tanks for two enhanced brigade combat teams; $504 million for 210 M1A1AIM tanks for three brigade combat teams in the National Guard; and $155 million for the Tank Urban Survivability Kit that was to be purchased this year and fielded to units in Iraq next year.

The Bradley M2A3 program took a $1 billion hit, which will delay fielding the most advanced versions of the armored personnel carriers to three heavy brigade combat teams in the 1st Armed Division that are being transformed into modular units. The A3 variant of the Bradley has increased protection and is more survivable than older versions of the vehicle.

A key experimental Army unit that was slated to receive the A3 Bradleys will not receive them, according to Pentagon documents.

Without funds sought in the supplemental, Army effective Brady production plans could be derailed and upend the services' procurement strategy, driving up the unit cost of each vehicle by as much as 50 percent, according to Pentagon documents that detail the impact of the cuts.

Other combat tracked vehicle programs were also cut.

The M88A2 Hercules, designed to tow a disabled Abrams tank and other heavy tracked vehicles, had $331 million cut from the supplemental that were intended to completely outfit two heavy brigade combat teams. The cut will delay fielding of these vehicles by as many as three years, Pentagon documents state.

The M113 Family of Vehicles funding line also was cut by $90 million, which will affect improvements slated for 172 of the vehicles, including upgrades to the A3 variant of the M1068, M1064, M113 and M577, according to the Pentagon documents. A delay for these upgrade efforts will slow down by as many as two years transformation efforts of two active duty brigade combat teams at Fort Bliss and three National Guard brigade combat teams. The industrial base assembly line that support these upgrades will run out of work in fiscal year 2007.

Quelle: http://www.military.com/features/0,15240,89479,00.html

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 3. Mar 2006, 17:57 | Beitrag #47
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Mitglied seit: 26.09.2005


FCS Vehicle Update

I recently read in RAIDS magazine that the US FCS program manned vehicle(s) will be tracked. Not sure why they picked tracked over wheeled, maybe someone has more info? Also, there are rumors that since the C-130 requirement has been dropped, the top weight may approach 30-tons. This also brings up another point, if they are going for the tracked version with a weight of 30tons, the US should consider the German PUMA and save lots of $$$. It is an advanced modular design that I'm sure can be fitted for all the variants that are being proposed for the manned vehicles.

Beitrag 5. Mar 2006, 04:20 | Beitrag #48
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Mitglied seit: 03.10.2002

Großbritannien läßt seine Challenger 2 mit 120mm L55 aufrüsten. Das Programm läuft unter dem Namen CLIP (Challenger Lethality Improvement Programme). Der Vertrag für einen Erprobungsträger wurde 2004 unterzeichnet. Der umgebaute Challenger heißt dann Challenger 2 CLIP und wird keine wirklich neue Bezeichnung bekommen. Die Kanone wird die L/55 Hybrid von Rheinmetall sein. Der Versuchträger wird schon seit Mitte 2005 getestet.

Der Challenger sollte ursprünglich durch ein Fahrzeug mit 140mm Kanone ersetzt werden, weswegen keine Glattrohrkanone entwickelt wurde. Stattdessen wurde eine weiterentwicklung (eigentlich eine Version) der Kanone des Chieftain verwendet. Einerseits wegen der Kompatibilität der Munition zum Chieftain, weil die neuen Challenger Zug im Zug den Chieftain ersetzten und so beide die gleich Munition verwenden konnten, andererseits wegen der bis dahin guten Erfahrungen mit der Kanone.

Nachdem ersichtlich wurde, daß kein Nachfolger mit 140mm Kanone mehr kommt und der Wettbewerb in Griechenland verloren wurde, entschloß man sich den Challenger aufzurüsten und bis 2035 zu verwenden. Danach soll er dann durch ein neues Fahrzeug, wie auch immer dieses aussehen wird, ersetzt werden. Im Zuge dieser Modernisierung wird der Challenger die 120mm Glattrohrkanone bekommen, allerdings mit der britischen Wärmeschutzhülle der L30 und dem Referenzsystem. Die Feuerleitanlage wird auf die neue Munition umgestellt. Der Umbau erfordert nur minimale Eingriffe an der Wiege.

Eines der Gründe für die Umstellung der Bewaffnung war auch der Umstand, daß die Munition bis Mitte des nächsten Jahrzehnts abläuft. Eine neue Munition müßte entwickelt werden, da die bisherige veraltet ist. Die Entwicklung dieser Munition würde nach einem Bericht des Rechnungshofes mehr Geld verschlingen als eine Neubewaffnung. Ein weiterer Grund ist auch die inzwischen standardisierte 120mm Munition der Rheinmetallkanone, die nun in der ganzen NATO standardisiert ist.

Geplant ist auch eine Aufwertung der Feuerleitanlage. Welche Systeme aber im Einzelnen zur Anwendung kommen ist noch nicht sicher. Der Kommandant soll ein Rundsichtperiskop mit WBG bekommen. Die Feuerleitanlage des Richtschützen bleibt erhalten, obwohl auch da evtl. eine Ablösung angedacht ist, die aber noch nicht sicher ist, eher nicht.

(sinngemäß aus IDR 3/2006)

Schon seit 20 Jahren: Waffen der Welt
Beitrag 5. Mar 2006, 20:00 | Beitrag #49
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Mitglied seit: 18.11.2004

Rollovers plague vehicle
LAV III tips over in collision with taxi
Mar. 3, 2006. 05:13 AM

The accident that killed one Canadian soldier and injured six others in Afghanistan yesterday was the 12th time that a specific model of light armoured vehicle has rolled over since Canada began purchasing them in 1999.

Though full details were not yet available, the army says the accident occurred when the London, Ont.-built LAV III collided with a taxi, then swerved and rolled in a ditch outside Kandahar.

Cpl. Paul Davis, 28, of Bridgewater, N.S., died and Sgt. Darren Haggerty of London, Ont., was among those hurt (two of whom were seriously injured and required surgery). Davis became the fourth fatality — two in Afghanistan and two in Canada — from a LAV III rollover.

"I think right now, every single soldier would be worried about a rollover, given the frequency that these have been happening," said Scott Taylor, editor-in-chief of Esprit de Corps, Canada's military magazine. "But what's the option? Driving slow or making less radical turns may not be an option in every case."

Davis, a member of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was married with two young daughters.

Jim Davis said his son's deep sense of duty prompted him to turn down a promotion that would have kept him out of Afghanistan.

"When he decided to go to Afghanistan, that really impressed me because he loved his family and his two children but he had the sense of duty, and comradeship with the other people he had been training with," he said yesterday.

Capt. Jay Adair, the second-in-command of PPCLI's Bravo Company, said the loss was being felt through the camp.

"Bravo Company, and I mean this sincerely, is very much a band of brothers," he said. "We've lost a brother, and it's going to affect us all."

With a gross weight of some 19 tonnes, the LAV III is by no means a sports car. But it's not a tank, either. With eight wheels instead of tracks and a top speed of 100 km/h, it's a relatively manoeuvrable vehicle that offers very good protection from standard armour-piercing shells and a wide variety of explosives and mines. Its V-shaped undercarriage, similar to a boat hull, is designed to deflect much of the energy from a blast.

Driving in Afghanistan is unpredictable. There's a constant risk of roadside bombs or cars packed with explosives being rammed into army vehicles — and the LAV III isn't made for hugging the roads during high-speed cornering.

In fact, its design gives it a higher centre of gravity (but far better protection) than the personnel carrier it replaced.

"The roads are the battlefields now," Taylor said. "These suicide attackers can come fast and furious. If you drive slow you're putting yourself at risk, and if you drive fast you're putting yourself at risk for the roads and the weight of the vehicle."

And the roads in Afghanistan, says retired Maj.-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie are a force to be reckoned with. Not only is the traffic chaotic, he says, but the ditches are so steep he says even "My Volvo would roll over." MacKenzie also says Canadian forces on other foreign deployments have also had to contend with locals who deliberately drive cars into army vehicles in the hope of suing for a cash settlement. "As a result, there's that fine balance between speed and making sure you can avoid some idiot that's turning in front of you or jumping out of a side road or whatever," says MacKenzie. On standard patrols, the driver and crew commander both have their heads exposed through hatches at the front and mid-deck of the LAV III. In the rear, two armed sentries are generally standing and watching for any roadside hazards or suspicious activity. But those positions can put those individuals at greater risk in the event of a rollover — they can be ejected from the vehicle. It's not yet known if that's what occurred yesterday.

"It's a possibility," said army spokesman Maj. Daryl Morrell from Ottawa. "We don't know what happened in this particular incident. But clearly, remaining inside the vehicle is what people try to do when the vehicle rolls."

The army has examined the issue of LAV III rollovers in the past. A 2004 memo that looked at nine incidents concluded that four were related to driver experience and speed, while the others were caused by driving too close to the edge of the road. Rollovers have also been a problem with the Stryker, a very similar armoured vehicle used by the U.S. army in Iraq.

But Ottawa says the overall track record of the LAV III is a good one.

"The LAV III has collectively travelled approximately 6 million kilometres with a great service record. ... We've had twelve rollovers total," said Maj. Morrell. Canada has committed to purchasing 651 of the vehicles and currently has taken delivery of 541 of them. In Afghanistan, there are 51 LAV IIIs. Which means roughly one in 25 of these vehicles in Afghanistan has rolled and caused a fatality.

"That's a fairly high rate of operational casualties, given the size of our forces," Taylor said. "No doubt military investigators are going to look at every single possibility they can find, every commonality in those accidents."

The Canadian military, prompted by the rollover death last November of Pte. Braun Scott Woodfield in Afghanistan, says it is already taking steps to improve safety on the LAV.

"We've had discussions with the industry looking at technologies that would alert the crew if they were approaching rollover conditions," said Morrell. "We're examining the investigation results of earlier rollovers to see what we could do to avoid similar accidents in the future. ... This is not a case of us doing nothing. We take all of these incidents very seriously."


mfg planlos
Beitrag 10. Mar 2006, 13:59 | Beitrag #50
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Mitglied seit: 21.01.2006

schweizer armee möchte panzer modernisieren artikel im tages-anzeiger
damit dürfte dann wohl das gemeint sein  ruag leo midlife update
Beitrag 10. Mar 2006, 14:23 | Beitrag #51
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Beiträge: 11.635

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

Du meinst das Panzer 87 WE projekt (WE=Werterhaltung), und die ruag website gibt es sogar auf deutsch: http://www.ruag.com/ruag/juice?pageID=84538 wink.gif

Was mich mal interressieren würde, wäre wie sich die unterschiedliche Positionierung des PERI R17 A2 auswirkt bei Panzer 87 Leopard werterhaltung und Leopard 2 A5+.

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 10. Mar 2006, 17:49 | Beitrag #52
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Beiträge: 5.414

Gruppe: Members
Mitglied seit: 15.10.2002

Vielleicht sollten die Briten wirklich über eine kleine Änderung ihrer FLA im Challi 2 nachdenken, bei den Schießergebnissen, von denen man immer hört.

(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!
Beitrag 19. Mar 2006, 15:39 | Beitrag #53
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Beiträge: 4.325

Gruppe: WHQ
Mitglied seit: 02.01.2004

Leopard 2 PSO (Peace Support Operations)

March 11, 2006: Germany has developed a \"Peace Support Operations\" version of its Leopard 2 tank. Modifications include more protection, from RPG attacks, for the running gear, more sensors so the crew has a better view of what's around the tank, a plow, and an ammo load more suitable for urban combat. It's not known if the Germans are getting American urban warfare tank munitions, but the Germans have been getting data from the U.S. on the experience with M-1 tanks in Iraq. Currently, Germany has 852 Leopard 2 tanks (502 Leopard 2A4, 125 Leopard 2A5 and 225 Leopard 2A6.) Only a few have been converted to the PSO version, in anticipation of quickly adapting dozens of them if a large number of German troops were sent off on a peacekeeping mission.

Von hier:http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htarm/articles/20060311.aspx

Wüsste mal gern woher die wissen wollen, dass es schon umgebaute PSO Leos bei der Bundeswehr gibt. Ich kenne bisher nur die Zeichnung aus der KMW-Broschüre. Das ganze mal in echt auf Fotos zu sehen wär sicher interessant.

Pulver ist schwarz
Blut ist rot
Golden flackert die Flamme
Beitrag 19. Mar 2006, 15:51 | Beitrag #54
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Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 06.08.2002

Strategypage...nicht allzuviel drauf geben.

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210 - Cleveland Browns 3
Beitrag 20. Mar 2006, 18:19 | Beitrag #55
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Beiträge: 11.635

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

Die haben bestimmt die Leo2 A6M mit der PSO Version durcheinander gewürfelt. strategypage hält.

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 21. Mar 2006, 16:25 | Beitrag #56
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Beiträge: 11.635

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

smooth operator

Bild: http://www.soldiermagazine.co.uk/images/article_images/kit1.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)
Smoothbore technology on a Challenger 2 on Heath Range, Dorset.

A CHALLENGER 2 crew proved themselves on the button during accuracy trials of a new gun fitted to their tank at Lulworth, Dorset, writes Cliff Caswell.

Tests of Rheinmetall’s 55-calibre, 120mm smoothbore weapon, demonstrated by the Armour Trials and Development Unit, were conducted in front of more than 100 guests during the VIP event on Heath Range.

The move was part of the Defence Procurement Agency’s Future Business Group demonstrator programme and followed successful lethality trials of the weapon. Teams from Rheinmetall and BAE Systems were involved in the tests.

The research work, which is now well into its second year, is looking at the potential for replacing the current rifled barrel of the Challenger 2 120mm L30 gun with smoothbore technology.

If this happened the UK could seek to develop new ammunition for the weapon with overseas partners “in order to match emerging threats that defeat current smoothbore ammunition”. No decisions have yet been taken.

Further work to develop the technology’s compatibility with the tank, including upgrades to gunner and commander sights and gun-control equipment, is planned.

Other work could also include upgrades to the ammunition storage spaces in the hull and turret and the incorporation of a panoramic thermal imager for the commander.

DPA Future Business Group project manager Ian Nicholson recalled how the Challenger smoothbore initiative had started in the summer of 2004.

He said: “Proving trials began at Rheinmetall last May and the ordnance was transferred to the UK for successful penetration trials against armour arrays.

“In September 2005 work began on integrating a definitive L55 Hybrid barrel aboard the Challenger 2 and a series of accuracy trials was conducted.”

The event at Heath Range also previewed the latest Enforcer remote-controlled weapon system, which gives crewmen more protection by enabling them to fire the tank’s external 7.62mm general
purpose machine-gun without opening the hatch.

Enforcer uses thermal-image technology coupled with a low-light television to give the operator a picture of what is happening outside his vehicle without being exposed to hostile fire.

The Panther command and liaison vehicle already has the system and the Royal Engineers’ new Trojan obstacle-cruncher boasts similar equipment.

Bild: http://www.soldiermagazine.co.uk/images/article_images/kit2.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)
The Enforcer-controlled machine-gun

Quelle: Smooth Operator

Schade, daß man das Kennzeichen nicht sehen kann.  :(

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 27. Mar 2006, 23:02 | Beitrag #57
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Beiträge: 3.784

Gruppe: Members
Mitglied seit: 15.03.2002

Scheint so als würden uns bald wieder ein paar Kätzchen verlassen, diesmal nach Südamerika.

Die Welt

Bundesregierung will Panzer verkaufen

Berlin - Deutschland will Chile 118 Kampfpanzer vom Typ Leopard 2 verkaufen. Eine entsprechende Vereinbarung habe die Bundesregierung mit Chile am 10. Februar geschlossen, bestätigte ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums in Berlin. Zum Preis machte er keine Angaben. Deutschland lieferte bereits rund 300 Leopard-2-Panzer an die Türkei und 330 an Griechenland. Wie viele Panzer die Bundeswehr selbst noch verfügt, wurde nicht bekannt. Der Leopard 2 ist der Standard-Kampfpanzer der Bundeswehr. dpa

Artikel erschienen am Fr, 24. März 2006

Ist das jetzt nur eine Absichtserklärung oder schon mehr?

Lächeln ist die beste Art dem Leben die Zähne zu zeigen
Beitrag 28. Mar 2006, 15:04 | Beitrag #58
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Beiträge: 11.635

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

Joa hatte Ich auch schon gehört vor einiger Zeit, daß Chile Leo2 kaufen will. damit wären sie zumindest technologisch die Führer auf dem Kontinent. Das scheint wohl ziemlich sicher, da die alten Gurken die die Chilenen haben auch nicht jünger werden.

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 28. Mar 2006, 17:17 | Beitrag #59
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Beiträge: 11.635

Gruppe: VIP
Mitglied seit: 19.11.2002

Sale by auction - the contents of Melbourne military museum

ZITAT(Hawkeye @ 28. Mar 2011, 04:37) *
Tipp des Tages:
.454 Casull Flachkopf-Massivgeschosse eignen sich hervorragend als Ohrenstöpsel!
Beitrag 28. Mar 2006, 17:17 | Beitrag #60
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Herr der Dunkelheit
Beiträge: 37.281

Gruppe: Admin.WHQ
Mitglied seit: 21.04.2002

Leo1 durch leo2 ersetzen ist ja nicht so wild. (die AMX-13 sind wohl schon ne Weile ausser Dienst und die AMX-30 auch noch nicht so alt)
nebst dem ist Chile so ziemlich das einzige Land da drüben, das grossflächig Panzergelände hat wink.gif

Wer zum Denken nachdenkseiten braucht, denkt auch, dass ihm ihm die Tankkarte das tanken abnimmt.

Qui tacet, consentire videtur
ZITAT(Forodir @ 31. May 2023, 20:26) *
Dass die Russen viele Verluste haben aufgrund ihrer offensiven Vorgehensweise, die sie sich bei Zapp Brannigan abgeschaut haben, ist davon unbenommen.

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