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Marine stellt Dienstsegelboote OSTWIND und WESTWIND außer Dienst
Unabhängig von dieser Entscheidung wird die Segelausbildung in der Marine ihren hohen Stellwert behalten.
wollen wir´s hoffen....

Glücksburg/Bonn, 08.04.2005
Presse- und Informationszentrum Marine

Der Inspekteur der Deutschen Marine, Vizeadmiral Lutz Feldt, hat am 08. April 2005 die Entscheidung bestätigt, dass die beiden Dienstsegelboote der 12 Meter-R–Klasse OSTWIND und WESTWIND außer Dienst zu stellen sind und zum Weiterverkauf an die „Gesellschaft zur Verwertung bundeseigener Güter“ (VEBEG) übergeben werden.

Der materielle Zustand der beiden Dienstsegelboote lässt in der Perspektive keinen Ausbildungsbetrieb mehr zu.
Unabhängig von dieser Entscheidung wird die Segelausbildung in der Marine ihren hohen Stellwert behalten.

Die beiden Schiffe wurden in den Jahren 1938/39 von Abeking & rassmussen gebaut.

Bild: http://www.12mr.de/Yachtarchiv/1930-1939/1938-Inga.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Inga, die spätere Westwind 1938

Bild: http://www.12mr.de/Yachtarchiv/1940-1958/CY25-307-Freudenberg-Lobito.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Die heutige Ostwind 1949 als Lobito, ex-Sphinx

mehr zu den Schiffen hier:
Die deutschen Zwölfer
Naja, in der OA-Ausbildung bin ich nicht ein einziges Mal auf ner 12er gewesen. Zwar schade drum, aber letztendlch machen die Botte auch keinen Sinn, wenn man nur mit nem Segel-C-Schein Fahren darf nd vorher auch noch beim Admiral Bittebitte machen muss.
Und aufwendig in der Erhaltung waren sie allemal, hab selten beide zugleich Seeklar an der Pier gesehen...
Die Marinen der Schwarzmeeranreiner Staaten haben mit der Übung Black Sea Partnership 2005 begonnen. Das ist die erste Übung von BlackSeaFor in diesem Jahr.

Mehr info dazu aus Marine Forum:

Vor dem türkischen Schwarzmeerhafen Eregli hat am 4. April die Übung Black Sea Partnership 2005 begonnen.

Teilnehmer an der bis zum 27. April andauernden Übung sind die Einheiten der Black Sea Force (BlackSeaFor), deren Aufstellung als gemeinsamer Marineverband der Schwarzmeeranrainer Bulgarien, Georgien, Rumänien, Russland, Türkei und Ukraine im Rahmen der \"Vereinbarung von Istanbul\" im April 2001 beschlossen worden war. Seitdem wird der Verband in wechselnder Zusammensetzung einmal jährlich aktiviert, und die beteiligten Marinen entsenden Einheiten zu einer mehrwöchigen gemeinsamen Übung.

In diesem Jahr sind dies das russische Landungsschiff TSESAR KUNIKOV (ROPUCHA-I) und der russische Bergeschlepper SHAKTJOR, das bulgarische Landungsschiff SIRIUS (POLNOCNY-A), die georgische FK-Korvette DIOSKURIA , die rumänische Fregatte HORIA MACELLARIU (TETAL-II), die türkische Fregatte YILDIRIM (Typ MEKO-200 TN) sowie das ukrainische Führungsschiff SLAVUTICH...

Voll Text (Bis zu 16. April)

Edit: Schreibfehler korigiert.
eine Frage: sind eigentlich bisher schon F123 Fregatten mit ESSM bestückt worden oder zumindest dahingehend angepasst worden? Irgendwie habe ich davon bislang nichts gehört...
ESSM ist zur Einrüstung in F123 vorgesehen beginnend mit dem Jahr 2012.
Ist die Aussage jetzt Sarkasmus oder ernst gemeint?
SuT 04/2005, Seite 56 rechts unten:
Alle weiteren Kampfeinheiten/Interventionsstreitkräfte (F124/F123, letztere mit ESSM ab 2012) sind zum Eigenschutz befähigt [..]

Sarkasmus wäre hier purer Luxus hmpf.gif
Äh... ab wann sollten die F125 zulaufen? Wie lange würden die F123 dann noch in Dienst bleiben? Wie alt wären sie 2015? Wer rüstet in einen solch alten, maroden Kahn noch ESSM ein?
F123...nicht F122.
Die F125 soll die F122 ersetzen...
Die 123 er sind alle in den Neunzigern zugelaufen...also werden sie bis etwa 2020+ laufen, wenn man die 122 für Lebensdauer annimmt: anfang Achtziger Gebaut, sollen 25-30 Jahre fahren, bei geplanter Lebensdauer 20 jahre!! sad.gif
Trotzdem ist im Jahr 2012 ESSM doch schon fast wieder veraltet!
Es würde so wie so nicht viel Sinn machen, den Sea Sparrow FLK der 122er mit ESSM aus zu tauschen.  Bei  Mk29 Werfer passt nur ein ESSM pro Zelle rein. Bei Mk41 VLS dagegen kann man, ein Sea Sparrow gegen 4 ESSM austauschen.
QUOTE(Praetorian @ 11.04.2005, 23:49)
F123...nicht F122.
Die F125 soll die F122 ersetzen...

Es war spät. Ich war müde. Hab' die beiden Klassen geistig durcheinandergeworfen.
QUOTE(Saturn5 @ 13.04.2005, 14:24)
Es würde so wie so nicht viel Sinn machen, den Sea Sparrow FLK der 122er mit ESSM aus zu tauschen.  Bei  Mk29 Werfer passt nur ein ESSM pro Zelle rein. Bei Mk41 VLS dagegen kann man, ein Sea Sparrow gegen 4 ESSM austauschen.

In dem Zusammenhang würd mich mal interessieren, ob das 16er VLS der F123 irgendwann mal auf 32 Zellen erweitert wird. Platz dafür wäre ja da, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.

... und die 4 ollen Exocets aus den ehem. Z101 wurden jetzt eigentlich auch lange genug in der Gegend rumgefahren. Kommen da später mal 8*Harpoon oder dergleichen hin?
(ja ich weiß. kostet Geld...)
QUOTE(Flattermann @ 13.04.2005, 18:46)
In dem Zusammenhang würd mich mal interessieren, ob das 16er VLS der F123 irgendwann mal auf 32 Zellen erweitert wird. Platz dafür wäre ja da, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.

... und die 4 ollen Exocets aus den ehem. Z101 wurden jetzt eigentlich auch lange genug in der Gegend rumgefahren. Kommen da später mal 8*Harpoon oder dergleichen hin?
(ja ich weiß. kostet Geld...)

Eine Erweiterung des VLS der F123 auf 32 Zellen ist m.W. zur Zeit nicht vorgesehen, zumindest taucht es in den Planungen zur Kampfwertsteigerung F123 nicht auf.
Möglich wäre es theoretisch, das stimmt. Allerdings sollte auch eine ebenfalls theoretische Maximalzahl von 64 FK ESSM (16 Zellen mit Quadpacks) für den vorgesehenen Zweck der Selbstverteidigung ausreichen.
Übrigens sind die F123 auch zum Verschuss von FK SM2 in der Lage, sowohl vom VLS als auch von der Feuerleitanlage her.

In der Langfristplanung der Marine ist ebenfalls ein neuer Seezielflugkörper als Nachfolger für Harpoon und MM38. Allerdings wäre es trotzdem denkbar, daß im Falle einer Beschaffung von nur vier F125 (die dann vermutlich mit den Harpoon der F122 bewaffnet werden, falls der neue SZFK noch nicht zur Verfügung steht) die vier F123 dann die Harpoon der restlichen vier F122 erhalten.
Ist allerdings nur ein Gedankenexperiment...
wenn ich mich recht erinnere wurde bereits im haushalt 2004 mittel für eine stückzahl essm's eingeplant, die für f-123 und f-124 reichen sollte. weiß jemand ob die nun in geringer stückzahl bis 2012+ beschafft werden oder bis wann die alle in de sind? 2012 währe imho doch ne recht große zeitspanne für 250 essm.
IBM macht Fregatten flott
Düsseldorf. Das Bundesministerium der Verteidigung hat die IBM Deutschland GmbHmit der Ausrüstung von insgesamt acht Fregatten der Klasse F 122 mit dem Taktischen Datenlinksystem „LINK 16“ beauftragt. LINK 16 ist ein Datenfunkstandard, der die Abbildung eines unbeschränkten Lagebilds und den Austausch von Lagedaten zwischen verschiedenen Einheiten der Deutschen Marine und anderen NATO-Einheiten ermöglicht. Schwerpunkt von LINK16 ist die Übertragung von Daten in Echtzeit innerhalb von Einsatzverbänden. LINK 16 ist NATO-Standard und wird derzeit unter anderem schon von den USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien eingesetzt. Andere Länder bereiten sich ebenfalls auf diesen Standard vor. LINK 16 ist weniger störanfällig als das bisher genutzte System und ermöglicht es, größere Datenmengen schneller und genauer in Echtzeit zu übertragen. Damit wird eine effektive Zusammenarbeit mit den NATO-Staaten sichergestellt. Ohne LINK 16 könnte die Bundeswehr zukünftig nur in eingeschränktem Umfang an Auslandseinsätzen teilnehmen.
Die IBM hat dieses System bereits seit 2003 auf vier Fregatten der Klasse F 123 erfolgreich eingeführt. Die Integration des Systems LINK 16 in die Einheiten der Klasse F 122 soll weitgehend analog zur Ausrüstung der Klasse F 123 erfolgen. Bei diesem Projekt wird plattformübergreifend das Datenfunksystem MIDS-LVT (Multi-functional Information Distribution System) als zentrales Element genutzt. Zentrale Softwarebestandteile sind das IBM Data Link Processing System (IBM DLPS) und darüber hinaus wird die Anzeige- und Kontrollanwendung IBM Tactical Data Links Display and Control System (IBM DCS) integriert. IBM rüstet das erste Schiff noch in diesem Jahr, weitere sieben Schiffe bis 2009 mit LINK 16 aus. Verantwortlich für die Umsetzung ist das Team der IBM Business Consulting Services (BCS).

Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass die F122 noch Link16 erleben würden. Hätte es wohl auch ohne die Einsätze am Horn von Afrika nicht gegeben...
Eckernförde – In der nächsten Woche wird es in, über und vor Eckernförde eine Menge zu sehen und zu hören geben. Im Luftraum über der Hafenstadt wird der funkelnagelneue Eurofighter seinen ersten Übungseinsatz fliegen. Der Auftritt des mit doppelter Schallgeschwindigkeit fliegenden Super-Jägers ist Bestandteil des Großmanövers \"European Challenge 2005\", das sich über vier Bundesländer erstreckt.

Im Mittelpunkt der Übung steht die Befreiung von Zivilisten aus einem Kriegsgebiet. Ein Szenario, wie es gerade erst die Britische Marine in Sierra Leone an der Westküste Afrikas lösen musste. Vor Eckernförde wird der Einsatz der aus Rostock-Laage anfliegenden Eurofighter genauso im Programm sein wie der Einsatz weiterer moderner Waffensysteme. So wird auch das neue U-Boot \"U 31\" erstmals in einem Manöver eingesetzt und dabei Kampfschwimmer absetzen. Ihre Einsatzpremiere wird auch die neue Fregatte \"Hamburg\" haben, die mit ihrem Flugabwehrradar und Lenkflugkörpern den Einsatz von der See her sichern soll. Die \"Hamburg\" wurde erst im Dezember in Dienst gestellt.

Die Kampfschwimmer kommen dabei genauso zum Einsatz wie schwer bewaffnete Soldaten der Division \"Spezielle Operationen\" des Heeres. Diese Kräfte sollen über Eckernförde mit Fallschirmen aus Transportflugzeugen abgesetzt werden. Nach Mitteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums hat \"European Challenge\" Modellcharakter für künftige Übungen.

Zu dem Manöver wird am 19. April auch Verteidigungsminister Peter Struck nach Eckernförde kommen und sich dort über den Einsatz der modernsten Waffensysteme sowie den Ablauf der Evakuierung informieren.
Schon etwas älter, aber ich hab bisher noch keine "Entwarnung" gefunden:

US Navy’s New Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft May Be Canceled
Tha Nav Log ^ | 1/28/05

Posted on 01/28/2005 8:20:22 AM PST by pabianice

Word from at least one Washington suggests that the US Navy’s program to replace the P-3C – the Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft Program – is facing deep cuts or even cancellation in the back-draft from the $60 billion Pentagon budget cut through 2011. To help pay for the ongoing War on Terrorism, programs just cranking-up or not yet delivered are first to be chopped in favor of funding existing systems and combat organizations.

As noted elsewhere on The Nav Log, the Navy is not only cutting aircrew training but is looking at cuts in its DD(X), LCS, SSN-74, and LPD-17 programs – all to replace aging existing systems. USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67), which was to begin a two-year overhaul in 2006, may simply be decommissioned, while CV(X) appears also on hold and the Marine’s V-22 aircraft may have funding halved.

In June, 2004, Boeing won the initial $3.9 billion contract for the cost-plus-award-fee contract for the system development and demonstration (SDD) phase of the MMA acquisition program. The first MMA was to have joined the fleet in 2012-2014, with the last P-3 to have been replaced by 2019. The MMA Program – to replace the Navy’s remaining 150 P-3Cs with 108 new aircraft plus an undetermined number of Broad Area Maritime UAVs -- was then estimated to be worth as much as $44 billion in the next twenty years when foreign sales were also factored in. Overwork of the P-3 fleet since 1991 has resulted in its logging twice its designed airframe life, with the Navy having had to prematurely retire 40% of the fleet in the past year and a half.

The Air Force is facing a similarly bleak outlook, with F-22 procurement perhaps being halved.

Neither the Navy nor Boeing would respond at this time to inquiries about the MMA's future other than to say that there has been no official word regarding any changes to the program at this time and that it would be inappropriate to discuss anything that is \"pre-decisional\" in current budget changes at this time.

Killing the MMA Program would leave the Navy to figure-out how to extend the service life of the P-3 even further. There is in the US inventory no other long-range maritime patrol and stand-off attack aircraft. While the Navy does have mothballed a number of P-3B and P-3A aircraft, updating either to current P-3C Update III standards would hardly be inexpensive, and the P-3A and early P-3B are restricted to lower take-off weights. The first P-3C entered the fleet in 1969 and the most recent are not much more spry. Like the B-52H, all 104 of which were built between 1961 and 1962, and which has been again extended in service until 2040, the P-3C may find itself plugging along for as long a time. That is potentially good news to Lockheed Martin, which lost the MMA bid to Boeing, but hardly for the US.
Es ist zwar keine Entwarnung, aber ich habe eine Nachricht von Boeing das noch aktueller ist.
Meines Wissen nach ist die MMA Project die einzige große Flugzeug  Bau-program bei Boeing. Kürzlich wurde die C-130 Modernisierung  Programm von USAF abgesagt worden. Und Boeing hat wegen Darleen Druyun und KC-767 ernste legale Probleme. Wenn die MMA Project von absagt wird dann würde es ein heftiger Rückschlag für Boeing bedeuten.


Boeing Team Completes P-8A MMA
High-Speed Wind Tunnel Tests

(Source: Boeing Co.; issued April 13, 2005)

ST. LOUIS --- A team led by Boeing recently completed 1,300 hours of high-speed wind-tunnel testing of the U.S. Navy’s Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA), which was recently given the designation P-8A.  

The three-month program concluded a full week ahead of schedule on March 18.  

The team conducted the tests at the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffet Field, Calif., using a 6.2 percent scale model in the 11-ft. transonic wind tunnel  

“I was impressed with the teamwork across the entire test program,” said Neal Mosbarger, Boeing’s flight technology manager. “We had three subcontractors on site to help with model changes, as well as Naval Air Systems (NAVAIR) representatives and Boeing folks all working with the NASA staff 24 hours a day, five days a week.”  

Mosbarger added that preliminary analysis of test data revealed no major surprises or obvious problems. He credits teamwork for improving test productivity that saved 200 hours of the testing time.  

An estimated 4,000 hours of wind-tunnel time will be logged in developing the P-8A. Designers used tools such as computational fluid dynamics to refine designs before testing to eliminate a substantial amount of tunnel time required to develop earlier designs. In addition, the 737-800 commercial airframe, currently in service with airlines around the world, has already undergone flight-testing.  

The Boeing-led industry team, which includes CFM International, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and Smiths Aerospace, will produce five test aircraft during the program’s system development and demonstration (SDD) phase. The Navy plans to purchase up to 108 aircraft to replace its aging fleet of P-3 aircraft.  
Es kam bei "hitec" auf "3sat" gerade eine Reportage über die U31.

Mit wirklich tollen und detailierten Einblicken rund ums System U 31 (+ Torpedo DM2A4)
Wird vermutlich am WE auf anderen dritten Programme wiederholt

war glaub ich schon die Wiederholung

[URL=http://www.3sat.de/hitec/magazin/72426/index.html]U 32 auf Schleichfahrt
Das modernste U-Boot der deutschen Marine [/URL]
Meeresverbindung Rotterdam - Kaliningrad - Sankt Petersburg wird im Juni eingeweiht
MOSKAU, 29. April (RIA Nowosti). Im Juni wird eine neue Linie für Gütertransporte im Transitverkehr über die russische Exklave an der Ostsee, über Kaliningrad eröffnet. Sie soll die Abhängigkeit von der Zollpolitik Litauens und der Europäischen Union verringern. Das teilte der stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten im Föderationsrat, Wassilij Lichatschow, in einem Interview für RIA Nowosti mit.

Wir hatten schonmal das Thema mit dem "UBoothandbuch", dass eine Übersetzerin an die Chinesen verkaufen wollte; ich hab das Thema allerdings nicht wiedergefunden, darum pack ich es mal hier mit rein.


(CP) - The military confidences of a European country were peddled to an enigmatic man posing as a Chinese agent in a most unlikely setting: a tranquil southern Ontario coffee shop.

An RCMP officer assuming the role of a Chinese spy nabbed a Toronto-area woman when she agreed to sell him pages from a German submarine manual, The Canadian Press has learned.

The remarkable meeting in the neighbourhood cafe was part of an elaborate sting operation that turned Michaela Gile's life upside down and led to her eventual conviction in Germany for attempted treason.

It also shattered any faith Gile and her husband had in the Canadian justice system.

The eye-opening case also sheds some rare light on the undercover activities of the RCMP's secretive national security division.

The international espionage saga began in 2003 when Gile, a German-born translator, had a payment dispute about her work on a confidential manual for the weapons system of the U-212A submarine, equipped with six torpedo tubes.

Designed in Germany, the advanced vessel is renowned for a quiet propulsion system powered by hydrogen fuel cells that helps it elude enemy subs.

Gile, experienced at translating technical literature, had landed the job through the firm Kern AG. But completing work on the 144-page manual was proving too much, so she subcontracted portions to five other translators.

There was a disagreement over the fee - Gile felt she was owed 12,000 euros - and Kern balked at paying.

\"I had the subcontractors breathing down my neck. I was getting pretty frantic,\" Gile recalled during an interview in her comfortable southern Ontario home.

\"And one of the subcontractors said, 'Well, why don't you just sell it to the Chinese?\"'

\"We even cracked jokes out on the patio about it. And for some reason I did call the next day.\"

Gile, a landed immigrant, came to Canada in 1999 to be with her current husband. Raised in Germany, she had lived in the United States, where she was previously married, for more than two decades.

Tall with blonde hair, blue eyes and a still-distinct accent, the 44-year-old Gile evokes the cinematic archetype of the exotic femme fatale. But she says her detour into the world of spies happened quite by chance.

Gile agreed to tell her story on condition she be identified by her birth name. Though Gile is her legal name, she usually goes by her husband's surname in Canada. (In keeping with practice in Germany, her last name was not made public there upon conviction.)

Gile also insisted her town and the identities of family members not be revealed.

The RCMP, Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Justice Department all declined to discuss the case, while Chinese officials did not respond to repeated inquiries.

The Canadian Press pieced together the story primarily from Gile's account and Canadian and German court documents.

Why would a translator - even one anxious for money - take the momentous step of phoning the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa to offer up the manual for the submarine's FL 1800U weapons system?

Gile says she was definitely not herself during this period.

She has been diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder, also known as manic-depression, a condition that can severely affect a person's mood, thoughts and behaviour.

She takes medication to control the effects. But in early October 2003 Gile was off her usual drugs to avoid a conflict with antiviral treatment and chemotherapy she was receiving for hepatitis C.

She claims she has no actual recollection of phoning the Chinese mission that autumn day.

But she knows she got a call on a Saturday afternoon three weeks later.

Gile remembers the voice on the other end of the line:

\"I want to meet you right now about your project,\" the man said. \"We're really interested in this.\"

Gile says she told him no, she had changed her mind.

Her son, who was in the room, urged his mother to hang up.

But the caller was persistent, saying he was just around the corner. He told her to look for an Asian man in a suit at a nearby coffee shop.

Gile agreed.

Incredibly, the agent who met her was sporting the red, yellow and blue of the RCMP on both his tie clip and wristwatch, Gile recalls. She would recognize them as the Mountie colours only much later, after she had been arrested, when she spotted them on a sign.

At one point, the undercover officer, apparently noticing the gaffe, tugged his sleeve over his watch.

Gile admits becoming caught up in the intrigue. It felt like she was in a movie: \"This is really action-packed, this is really cool.\"

But Gile says she also tried to warn her new acquaintance she wasn't well.

When asked early on in the drama how much she wanted for the manual, Gile had suggested $100,000 - \"a ridiculous amount,\" she now says, but all she could come up with at the time.

The man said he would pay $5,000 for a portion of the sub manual, she remembers. Gile scurried home and came back with about 30 pages.

The contact handed her a Chinese newspaper with a lump inside. When Gile returned to her house, she unwrapped the paper to find a thick stack of $50 bills inside.

\"I couldn't believe it. I did not know what to do.\"

She would not have much time to ponder events.

Another call came, leading to a meeting in the parking lot of the same coffee house the next morning, Sunday, Oct. 26.

Gile brought more pages. The Asian man led the translator to his yellow Nissan where he said her money was waiting.

Four men appeared from nowhere, surrounded Gile, handcuffed her and put her in a car. She was taken to the RCMP detachment in Milton for hours of questioning.

\"They kept asking me if I was CIA or FBI, you know, if I worked for any of the American agencies.\"

Back at Gile's house, police brandishing a court-approved warrant were sifting through the family's belongings. They carted away computer equipment, several disks and CDs at the end of the six-hour search. They also reclaimed the $5,000.

\"Ever since then, I've become very paranoid and I've become very suspicious,\" says Gile's husband. \"They went through a lot of private stuff that I don't think they needed to go through.\"

The search warrant and supporting documents remain sealed.

The investigation was conducted by an Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, one of several RCMP-led units that include members of federal agencies such as CSIS, Citizenship and Immigration and the Canada Border Services Agency, as well as provincial and municipal police.

One officer involved in the case, Const. Tom Ragell of the Toronto Police Service, declined to discuss the probe, while another, Joseph Harris of the York Regional Police, did not return calls.

Gile spent a difficult Sunday night behind bars. At a bail hearing the next day Crown lawyer Ruthanne Bowker confirmed that an undercover Mountie had met her at the coffee house.

How the RCMP learned of the case remains a mystery. Did the Chinese tip off the Canadians as a friendly gesture? Was there a mole inside the embassy? Or was Gile's apparent telephone call to the mission intercepted by Canadian spies? No one is saying.

Most likely the Communications Security Establishment, the federal eavesdropping agency, picked up Gile's phone conversation with the Chinese, surmises Wesley Wark, an intelligence expert at the University of Toronto.

CSE, the clandestine outfit responsible for monitoring foreign communications, is known to spy on phone and message traffic in and out of embassies in Canada.

If CSE did intercept Gile's call, it makes sense that CSIS and the RCMP would have been alerted to the submarine case.

Wark suspects China, keen to modernize its obsolescent sub fleet, is eager to learn more about the German vessel.

\"I have no trouble at all in believing that Chinese officials would take an interest in anything to do with the U-212 boat.\"

In court, Bowker said Gile had advised the undercover RCMP officer she intended to flee the country with the money accepted for the manual and abandon her family - a claim Gile denies.

She also remains upset about her treatment in jail, saying she was denied medical attention despite her obvious mental difficulties and the resulting stress.

Her husband has a photo of his wife's arms, covered in long red streaks, taken upon her release the day following the arrest.

Gile says she made the slash marks using her fingernails and wristwatch.

\"I tried hurting myself pretty bad.

\"They did not get me a doctor. I asked four times for a doctor.\"

Gile also says the hepatitis therapy she was undergoing required her to drink plenty of fluids but she didn't receive enough water, making her violently ill.

As an American citizen, she has since written the U.S. consulate in Toronto about her desire to initiate a formal complaint against the RCMP.

Gile was charged with violating the Export and Import Permits Act - charges that eventually would be formally stayed, or suspended, at the request of the Crown.

She was alleged to have \"exported or attempted to export\" materials included in the federal Export Control List, regulations intended to prevent the transfer of sensitive items to foreign states.

Over the next several months nothing much happened aside from occasional court appearances.

Jeff Manishen, her lawyer at the time, says he sought details of the case from the Crown without success.

\"I was never provided anything and, ultimately, when we were in a position where that material certainly should have been provided, the Crown decided to stay the proceedings,\" he said. \"So I never learned of the full particulars of what the investigation was.\"

In March 2004, Gile received a letter from David Littlefield, an agent of the federal solicitor general, advising that her \"private communications\" - likely both phone calls and e-mail messages - had been intercepted by police between Oct. 25 and Dec. 23, 2003.

Under the law, authorities must inform people after the fact that they've been subject to a police wiretap.

Last summer Gile learned that her father, who lives in a small German village near Mannheim, had fallen ill.

She asked Canadian authorities for her U.S. passport, which had been confiscated, and set out in September for her homeland.

Four days after arriving in Germany, Gile was arrested. She later learned German authorities had tapped her parents' phone for about a year.

Though the Justice Department in Ottawa stayed the charges against Gile in August 2004, the Canadians clearly continued to co-operate with their German counterparts on the case.

A public statement from the German court says that upon careful examination of the documents Gile handed to the Canadian agent, they constituted a state secret and, in the wrong hands, would pose \"a threat of severe disadvantage for the security of the state of Germany.\"

Gile spent weeks in a small cell with three other women at a prison in the western city of Koblenz.

She told her story to the German authorities.

There was talk of her son testifying at trial, since he had overheard her phone conversation - and alleged protestations - when the shadowy Asian man first called.

But Gile didn't want to involve her boy further.

\"I just wanted to get it over with.\"

Gile received a suspended sentence of one year, meaning she would not have to serve any more jail time.

The judges who heard the case believed that even if the Chinese had received the manuals, the damage would have been relatively minor.

Still, prosecutor Wolf-Dieter Dietrich was quoted in the German media as saying he would look into why a company working on an electronic weapons system had farmed out such manuals for translation.

\"We don't want a blunder like this in the future.\"

A weary but relieved Gile returned to Canada just before Christmas.

She points to her relatively light sentence as evidence the submarine documents did not contain genuine secrets.

\"But they had to give me something after all that big fuss was made about it. It was all over the news in Germany,\" she said.

\"They could not just say, 'Oops, we made a mistake.\"'

Her husband acknowledges his wife did \"a stupid thing.\"

But he feels she paid too high a price.

\"I don't believe in the law anymore, because I don't think the law is about justice.

\"My respect for the police is at an all-time low.\"

The episode made Gile anxious and depressed. Her daughter, unable to cope, left home over the turmoil.

\"The whole thing, it ruined us pretty good,\" Gile said.

With hindsight she feels \"really, really bad\" about her actions. Torn by guilt, Gile asks, \"How could I have done that to us?\"

But she believes the Canadian authorities overreacted.

\"I think they were a bunch of idiots. I mean, they were more wacko than I was,\" she said with a laugh.

\"I at least have a doctor that tells me, 'Yes, you're a little bit off, you need to take your medication.' I at least have an excuse.

\"They were just too eager.\"
Iran Launches Production of First Locally-Built Submarine

Iran has begun producing its first locally-built submarine, state media reported May 11, saying the vessel was designed to remain undetected and fire missiles and torpedoes simultaneously.

The craft will boost Iran’s inventory of submarines patrolling Gulf waters that according to foreign military experts includes up to six Russian-built SSK or SSI Kilo class diesel submarines.

The defense ministry said the new submarine is called the Ghadir — a religious holiday to mark the day Shiite Muslims believe the prophet Mohammad anointed Imam Ali as his successor.

The vessel, a prototype of which is undergoing tests, is designed for rapid deployment, said the ministry, which gave no further details.
A review of security at a major British naval base has been carried out after an alleged intruder was found on board a visiting American aircraft carrier.

The alleged trespasser was discovered on board the USS Harry S Truman, anchored off Stokes Bay, Gosport, on Saturday night during a week-long visit to Portsmouth Naval Base.

A Navy spokesman said the man had allegedly passed through Royal Navy security and US Navy security to get on board passenger boats used to ferry crew back and forth from the visiting warship.

It is understood that the man's identity was not checked by the Royal Navy security guards - as the base's rules dictate - with the responsibility being left to the American guards on duty at the gate.

The spokesman added that a thorough review of security had been carried out at the naval base since the incident and a number of changes implemented.

The spokesman explained that the jetty for the boats was very close to the public area in the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard museum complex and the large number of visiting sailors from the US aircraft carrier had caused the confusion.

\"I wouldn't want to talk about embarrassment but we are taking it very seriously, as we would any security breach,\" the spokesman said.

\"Our main focus at the moment is to put everything right and to improve our arrangements.\"

A Hampshire Police spokeswoman said that 37-year-old Abdoul Masmoud Yessoufou, from West Africa but of no fixed abode, had been charged with trespass.

The spokeswoman said that Yessoufou was originally held under the Terrorism Act 2000 but had since been released into normal police custody.

The USS Harry S Truman, which arrived at Portsmouth last Monday, departed on schedule on Sunday.


mfg planlos
Rheinmetall Waffe Munition auf der IMDEX 2005
Erneuter Zuwachs in der Familie der Marineleichtgeschütze

Bild: http://www.rheinmetall-detec.de/img/MLG_30_1_2.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Canadian Press

VICTORIA — HMCS Victoria, one of the Canadian navy's controversial submarines, returned to port Thursday with apparent engine problems, an armed forces spokesman said.

Victoria was one of four second-hand subs purchased from Britain in 1998. All have suffered from defects and one, HMCS Chicoutimi, caught fire at sea, killing one of its officers and forcing the other three to be tied up until a review was completed.

Victoria was put back in service Tuesday but had to return to its base at Esquimalt, B.C., the same day because of engine problems, navy spokesman Lt.-Cmdr. Uber Jenet said.

The trouble was supposedly fixed but testing at sea Thursday afternoon revealed the motor was still experiencing difficulties, Jenet said.

He said it's not uncommon to deal with minor problems after a submarine has sat idle -- in Victoria's case for seven months.

Jenet could not say when the sub would return to training exercises.

Victoria was the first of the four vessels to return to service in the wake of the Chicoutami incident.

As recommended by the board of inquiry investigating the Chicoutami accident last October, the navy has carried out safety improvements and implemented changes to crew procedures and training.

Victoria had seen active service for just over two months before it was pulled from service.

Defence Department documents described more than 50 mechanical problems with Victoria, including some that caused fire alarms to be set off throughout the sub and caused \"coughing and choking.\"

Die haben sich echt über den Tisch ziehen lassen, scheint mir.


May 18, 2005

Carrier America sunk

By Matt Hilburn
Times staff writer

The carrier America now lies beneath the surface of the Atlantic, scuttled by the Navy.

Pat Dolan, a spokeswoman for Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC, confirmed the “controlled” sinking took place at approximately 11:30 a.m. on May 14.

The decommissioned ship, out of service since 1996, was the target of a series of tests designed to try out new defense and damage control systems for the CVN-21 carrier program. It was the largest ship deliberately sunk by the Navy.

In fact, the America was the largest warship ever sunk by any means, in war or peace.

Tom Tramantano, president of the USS America Carrier Veterans Association Inc., a group that had been trying to save the carrier and turn it into a museum, called it a “sad day.”

“I feel I really haven’t had time to mourn,” said Tramantano, who served on the America as a lithographer third class during the ship’s 1968 Vietnam deployment.

Tramantano said the group will now focus its efforts toward getting the next class of carriers named after the America.

“There’s some anger in me that they would allow a ship with the country’s name to be sunk,” he said. “But I’m also proud that the testing may do some future good.”


Bild: http://www.armytimes.com/content/editorial/editart/042005front9.JPG (Bild automatisch entfernt)

Spectators watch as the aircraft carrier USS America is towed down the Delaware River near New Castle, Del., on Tuesday. The Navy plans to send the retired carrier to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean during explosive tests this spring. No warship this size or larger has ever been sunk.
China: Erwerb von U-Bootbasis in Indonesien geplant
Nach Angaben aus Jakarta und Peking plant die Volksrepublik China einen U-Bootstützpunkt in der Malakka-Straße auf einer der indonesischen Inseln zu erwerben. Der Schritt sei notwendig, um die Rohstoffversorgung des eigenen Landes sicherzustellen und terroristischen Bedrohungen entgegenzuwirken. Die USA und Australien hingegen vermuten, dass diese Maßnahme ein weiterer Schritt sei, um im Falle eines möglichen Taiwan-Krieges einer amerikanischen Blockade entgegenwirken zu können. Nach einer Studie des Pentagons baut China bereits eine „Perlenkette“ von Militärbasen vom Mittleren Osten in das Südchinesische Meer, um seine Energiebedürfnisse defensiv wie offensiv sichern zu können. Beispiele hierfür sind Liegenschaften in Pakistan, Myanmar, Kambodscha und Thailand.

QUOTE(Praetorian @ 23.05.2005, 23:48)

Der Schritt sei notwendig, um die Rohstoffversorgung des eigenen Landes sicherzustellen und terroristischen Bedrohungen entgegenzuwirken.

So dumm ist das gar nicht, wenn man sich anschaut wie der Strom von Rohstoffen immer stärker nach China fließt...die Malakkastrasse ist jetzt schon ein KVR-Albtraum und es wird noch schlimmer. Dazu kommt, das China fast komplett vom Seehandel abhängig ist.

Der strategische Nebeneffekt zu einer Hegemonialmacht in Asien zu werden ist dabei allerdings auch nicht zu verachten wink.gif
Das eine hat ja direkt mit dem anderen zu tun: Hegemon werden um sich selbst abzusichern. Da passt das hier ja auch irgendwie ganz gut rein:

Why is the U.S. Navy Leasing a Swedish Submarine?
Halle 44
Navy gets an all-new battleship, Sahyadri  

Express News Service

Mumbai, May 27: She glided into the ocean to the strains of Iqbal’s Saare Jahan Se Accha and all the men gave her a standing ovation. The Indian Navy on Friday launched its latest warship, Sahyadri, at the Mazagon Dock.

Looking resplendent with the tricolour hanging down its hull, the ship was launched after a small puja by Kumkum Prakash, wife of the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Arun Prakash.

This is the third and last stealth frigate of the ‘‘Project-17’’ series built by the Mazagon Dock. The dock had earlier built the Shivalik in April 2003 and Satpura in June 2004 for the Navy.

The 142.5 m long ship with a displacement of 4900 tonnes is scheduled to be commissioned into the Navy in March 2008. The ship’s gas turbines and diesel engine will help it achieve speeds up to 30 knots.

To be equipped with warfare capabilities like surface to surface vertical launch missiles and surface to air missiles, Sahyadri will be at par with the best warships in the world with technology from India and Russia.

It is seen as an important addition to the Navy as it is difficult to detect on the enemy radar making it crucial in wartime activities.

It is also equipped with long range/early warning radar. Admiral Prakash said Sahyadri is an example of India’s indigenous construction capabilities.

Stealth features
* Radar cross section
* Infrared signature
* Magnetic signature


Hat jemand Bilder? Bildersuche spuckt nix aus.
Ich hab spontan erstmal nur diesen Seitenriss gefunden:

Bild: http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/NAVY/Images/Project17d.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)
Wunderwelt Wissen
Da die Quelle ja nicht unbedingt die zuverläslichste ist mal die Frage  
obs da mehr als nur die bunten Bilder gibt.

Deutschen Militärtechnologen schweben aber noch ganz andere Geschwindigkeiten vor. Die deutsche Bundesmarine entwickelt gemeinsam mit einem Technologiekonzern aus Überlingen am Bodensee eine neue Superwaffe. Kein Torpedo eigentlich, eher eine Art Unterwasserrakete. Ein Raketenantrieb beschleunigt das Geschoss so sehr, dass hinter der Spitze eine Blase aus Wasserdampf entsteht. Der sogenannte „Barracuda“ schwebt dann in seiner eigenen Gasblase und hat dadurch keine Reibung mit dem Wasser. Bis zu 800 Kilometer schnell kann diese Rakete unter Wasser fliegen. Wunderwelt Wissen und der Seekrieg der nächsten Generation.

Website wo der Artikel als PDF gelesen werden kann.
QUOTE(Radar @ 29.05.2005, 18:56)
Da die Quelle ja nicht unbedingt die zuverläslichste ist mal die Frage  
obs da mehr als nur die bunten Bilder gibt.

Der Barracuda wurde als Mockup auf der ILA2004 gezeigt (irgendwo müsste ich auch ein Foto rumfliegen haben), insofern ist da zwar was dran - allerdings wurde in der Sowjetunion schon in den 60ern am Shkval gearbeitet, die Revolution in der Seekriegführung ist bisher ausgeblieben.
Das Thema wird lediglich gerne von Zeit zu Zeit von den Buntebildchensendungen aufgenommen.

Ich muß mir die WW-Artikel dazu mal durchlesen.
Ein interessantes Interview von DefenceNews:

Vice Adm. Lutz Feldt Chief, German Navy

Ever since Vice Adm. Lutz Feldt ascended to the German Navy’s top post in 2003, the four-decade veteran has pushed his service to become more joint and expeditionary. Meanwhile, falling recruitment is challenging the Navy, which at roughly 16,000 sailors is the Bundeswehr’s smallest service.

Q. What are your priorities for the Navy’s transformation?

A. We are transforming our service from an escort navy to an expeditionary navy. To achieve this, we need important capabilities for net-centric operations, strategic deployability, weapon effectiveness from sea to land, as well as being able to protect our forces in the littorals.

We are not just looking at our own capabilities. The German Navy has to support efforts for joint operations. As far as this goes, there are some specific measures like using sea-based command-and-control systems for missions at land. Our core task is to make sure the Navy is well integrated into alliance structures. Special emphasis is therefore given to the new crisis reaction forces, like the NATO Response Force or the European Battle Groups of the European Union.

Q. How would you describe the Navy’s reform efforts?

A. The German Fleet will assume its new organization on July 1, 2006. We will concentrate the service into two Naval Task Flotillas from the previous five. The naval aircraft PA 200 Tornado will be handed over to the Air Force in December. Our remaining Naval Air Wings 3 and 5 will be under direct command of the Fleet Headquarters. In the midterm, all naval aircraft will be operating out of Nordholz Naval Air Station, since sea-based air operations with organic helicopters or maritime patrol aircraft remain part of our mission.

Starting in 2006, the Navy will direct the transformation process from the Naval Office in Rostock. Another subsequent result of the structural changes is the closure of Olpenitz Naval Base. This will happen at the end of 2006.

Q. What are your procurement priorities?

A. First, we need to create the opportunity to include maritime capabilities into the overall German net-centric operations efforts. The fast pace in which our allies are working this issue influences our abilities to interoperate with them in multinational operations.

Second, I want to modernize our maritime capabilities in support of our transformation into an expeditionary Navy. This includes finalization of running projects as well as new projects that will enable us to provide a maritime component for extended air defense, will give us the ability to effectively engage in effects-based operations, enhance our capabilities for long-distance maritime reconnaissance and surveillance, and increase the sustainability of our Maritime Task Forces.

Third, we want to realize the maximum protection for personal, material, infrastructure and operations in all possible scenarios, including asymmetric and terrorist threats. This will be achieved by the implementation of Maritime Protection Forces, which will have the task to protect operational bases as well as to support maritime forces in operations.

Q. How do you want to work together with the other services?

A. I vividly support integration efforts. I think we are on the right track in Germany, because we are working on lots of documents in order to be prepared for further actions in a joint environment. At the same time, we are not only writing concepts but are already doing a number of small practical exercises with Air Force and Army units to include support troops. Such exercises should be used as a bottom-up approach to teach more jointness to our younger service personnel very early. My opinion is that we all know more of jointness and can do a lot more for jointness than we really think.

Q. You have said you were disappointed by the EU Battle Group concept. Why?

A. What I said was that a large number of people in Europe are talking about increasing jointness. Yet such a crucial initiative has so far been explored and developed without appropriately defining the capabilities of the air forces and the navies in such a context. At the present time, there are only army concepts, which is, of course, right in the sense that the bulk of crisis operations is being done by them.

But the question you have to answer as well is: Who takes them into the theater of operations? There has to be a well-defined and well-equipped army to manage a crisis, but taking for granted that the soldiers simply get to the theater of operations does not seem right to me. Who, for instance, secures and supports those army efforts, and who delivers the materiel for the Army? It is the Air Force and the Navy that provide this type of support. It is not the “magic move” that takes our soldiers to the battlefield. That only happens on the computer. I would sincerely appreciate a more thorough debate on the European level about all military means that are needed to sustain and equip such battle groups.

Q. What are you going to do about Norwegian firm Kongsberg’s suit to block the Ministry of Defense [MoD] from buying RBS-15 missiles for your new corvettes?

A. The procurement section of the MoD has assured us that the K130 corvette will be armed with the RBS-15 Mk3 once the ship becomes operational in two years. Based on these comments, I expect that there will be an end to this lawsuit between the Federal Agency for Procurement in Koblenz and Kongsberg soon.

Q. Which firm will upgrade the F-122 and F-123 frigates?

A. The bidding period has ended, but no winner has yet been chosen. However, I expect the necessary decision to be taken in due course by our state secretary for procurement.

Q. Will the Navy benefit from Thyssen-Krupp Marine Systems’ acquisition of major parts of Germany’s naval industry?

A. From a national perspective, the consolidation limits competition for orders coming from our Navy. It remains to be seen how this disadvantage for us can be equalized through Europe-wide bidding processes. However, I don’t see any German interests as “parent navy” affected as a consequence of this industrial consolidation. The Navy will support the consortium as a whole, or certain companies within or outside this consortium, in their quest to sell naval products internationally. From our side, this will happen without differences and without limitations.

Q. How important is recruitment?

A. It is a core issue these days, since we are expecting a dramatic loss of potential sailors as of 2008 due to demographic developments. Statistics show there is an overall decrease of young men and women in Germany of 10 percent. But I have to add that today, about 70 percent of the applicants for the Navy come from the northeastern provinces in Germany, and in this region, the decrease will be about 50 percent. Consequently, we have to generate more personnel from other parts of the country soon.

Q. How important will conscription be?

A. The recruiting issue is also one of the reasons why I am a staunch supporter of conscription. We witness the recruiting problems of countries that have switched to all-volunteer forces. Today, about 18 to 20 percent of our sailors aboard our ships are conscripts or voluntarily longer-serving conscripts. If they were gone, I would need to replace them with professionals or have less people to perform the duties. In such a case, you either spend more money to pay for volunteers or reduce your international commitments. Neither are

Hier nochmal der Link zum Interview:
Q. What are you going to do about Norwegian firm Kongsberg’s suit to block the Ministry of Defense [MoD] from buying RBS-15 missiles for your new corvettes?

A. The procurement section of the MoD has assured us that the K130 corvette will be armed with the RBS-15 Mk3 once the ship becomes operational in two years. Based on these comments, I expect that there will be an end to this lawsuit between the Federal Agency for Procurement in Koblenz and Kongsberg soon.

Kann mir das einer erklären? Worum dreht sich die Klage überhaupt?
QUOTE(Pille1234 @ 30.05.2005, 16:39)
Kann mir das einer erklären? Worum dreht sich die Klage überhaupt?

Höre ich, ehrlich gesagt, auch jetzt erst davon.
Tauchte bisher nicht in den einschlägigen Publikationen auf, bzw. wenn hab ichs verpasst.
Google sagt dazu leider nichts, weder Fach- noch Zeitungsartikel oder Firmennews.
Es könnte vielleicht daran liegen, dass nach dem Wegfall von Polyphem die LFK-Bewaffnung komplett neu ausgeschrieben wurde. Somit waren auch die RBS-15 wieder draußen obwohl sie schon ausgewählt waren. Wenn die dann auch schon richtig bestellt waren, dann wird natürlich erstmal geklagt, wenn die Bestellung trotz Vertrag rückgängig gemacht wird.
Kongsberg hat den NSM angeboten, Saab den RBS-15 Mk.III
Wenn es um den ersten Beschaffungsvertrag ginge, müsste Saab klagen, nicht Kongsberg wink.gif
02.06.05: Chinesisches U-Boot gesunken.
Nach Auskunft des chinesischen Außenministeriums ist ein U-Boot der chinesischen Streitkräfte im Südchinesischen Meer bei einer Unterwasser-Notfallübung gesunken. Nach Berichten amerikanischer und japanischer Zeitungen sei das U-Boot bereits am Donnerstag gesunken. An Bord des U-Bootes sei Feuer ausgebrochen. Das U-Boot gehörte zur veralteten MING-Klasse. Schon vor zwei Jahren waren bei einem ähnlichen Unfall 70 Mann an Bord eines chinesischen U-Boots ums Leben gekommen.

The Ming-class is a remodeled Romeo-class submarine. The Romeo-class submarines were built using Soviet designs based on the German Type-21 U- boat of 1944. While these boats are entirely obsolete by modern standards, they are useful for patrol and coastal defense duties, and construction continues providing a relatively inexpensive replacement for aging Romeo-class boats.


Obwohl \"erst\" Mitte der 70er Jahre in Dienst gestellt wahrlich ein seeehr altes Design!
Aber laut obiger Quelle wurden die Mings bis mind. 2001 produziert?! Typisch Chinesen!  :hmpf

Hier noch der Bericht über den Unfall von vor zwei Jahren:
No. 361

In late April or early May 2003 70 sailors on board the No. 361 submarine (Pictured here or here) were killed in an accident that occured off the Chinese coast, east of the Neichangshan Islands in Northeastern China. The Ming-class vessels usually carry nine officers and 46 crew, suggesting that the others aboard might have been technicians or staff officers. It is thought that the submarine was taking part in naval exercises off the coast when it had a critical mechanical failure.

Initial reports from news sources, and this organization, initially believed that the submarine was from the East Sea Fleet but additional information seems to indicate that it was from the North. Images acquired of the submarine and some of its sister ships illustrate a mountainous geography near the naval base which would be consistent with the north but inconsistent with information concerning the submarine base at Qingdao.

China's Xinhua reported the news on May 2 stating that the submarine was either being towed or had already been towed back to an unidentified port. Early analysis indicates that the submarine, if towed to a naval base may been towed to Dalian or Lushun.

The cause of the accident was not initially disclosed. Military analysts speculated it may have suffered a gas leak, caught fire or collided with something. THe accident likely happened while the submarine was on the surface. If the accident happened when the boat was under water, it was unlikely that it could have been towed into port. The submarine's batteries might have leaked acid that mixed with seawater, creating chlorine gas that killed the crew. Or the torpedoes could have leaked propellant that poisoned the crew.

Edit zum 2ten:
Ein Haufen Mings:
Bild: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/china/images/ch_ming_022_an.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)
bergabe des Forschungs- und Erprobungsschiffes der Klasse 751 \"PLANET\"

am 24. Mai 2005 wurde bei den Nordseewerken GmbH, ein Unternehmen von ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, in Emden das Forschungs- und Erprobungsschiff der Klasse 751, die PLANET, an den Auftraggeber � das Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung (Koblenz) - übergeben.

Das 72 Meter lange und 27 Meter breite vollelektrische Schiff verdrängt 3.500 Tonnen und wurde erst im Februar 2005 von der maritimen Fachzeitschrift HANSA zum \"Schiff des Jahres 2004\" gekürt. Es ist das bisher größte auf einer deutschen Werft gebaute SWATH-Doppelrumpfschiff. Die SWATH-Bauweise (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) ermöglicht ein besonders gutes Seeverhalten, vor allem auch in schwerer See. Zwei U-Boot ähnliche Schwimmkörper liegen tief unter der Wasseroberfläche und liefern den notwendigen Auftrieb..

Das Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung wird die \"PLANET\" am 31. Mai 2005 in Eckernförde feierlich in Dienst stellen..

Bild: http://www.thyssenkrupp-marinesystems.com/media/f12c8cc188fda31fda0f4a33db32acda.jpg (Bild automatisch entfernt)
Weiß man denn schon irgendetwas Näheres über das gesunkene chinesische U-Boot der Ming-Klasse? Welche Nummer, Verluste unter der Besatzung, Umstände des Verlustes etc.?
Three-way race for UK Type 23 frigates
By Richard Scott

Belgium, Chile and Pakistan are vying to acquire three UK Royal Navy (RN) Type 23 frigates being offered for sale overseas as a result of force reductions announced in 2004. All three nations are pursuing negotiations with the UK Ministry of Defence's Disposals Services Agency (DSA), now part of the Defence Logistics Organisation, with a final decision on the ships' sale expected within the next few months.

Chile has long been viewed as the most likely buyer for the Type 23s, having expressed a strong interest in acquiring all three ships being paid off by the RN and being first to the negotiating table. However, while the Chilean Navy has remained keen to pursue an acquisition, government delays in approving funding have seen Belgium and Pakistan enter the fray.

Informed sources have told JNI that the three putative deals all have competing merits according to their immediate sale value, the long-term value to UK industry and the 'defence diplomacy' benefit to the UK government. As a result, it is anticipated that a final decision on the sale will be taken at ministerial level.

Navy International
Das wird ja noch ein munteres Schiffetauschen:
Belgien verkauft Fregatte an bulgarische Marine
Allerdings auf niederländisch, in anderen Sprachen habe ich nichts gefunden, auch nicht aus anderen Quellen.

Kurz zusammengefasst:
Im Dezember 2004 und März 2005 wurde vereinbart, dass die Wandelaar so etwa Oktober/November 2005 an die bulgarische Marine in ihrer jetzigen Konfiguration übergeben wird. Die Wandelaar ist bereits seit 1.März 2004 aus dem aktiven Dienst gestrichen. Kaufpreis ca. 23 Millionen Euro; die Bulgaren versprechen sich damit einen schnelleren Anschluß an die Marinen der NATO ...und Fähigkeiten zur Terrorbekämpfung im Schwarzen Meer mata.gif
QUOTE(Eismarder @ 03.06.2005, 19:19)
Weiß man denn schon irgendetwas Näheres über das gesunkene chinesische U-Boot der Ming-Klasse? Welche Nummer, Verluste unter der Besatzung, Umstände des Verlustes etc.?

Ich hab jetzt ein paar Tage gewartet - kein Piep aus China sad.gif
Könnte es denn eine vorschnelle Meldung gewesen sein? Obwohl, wenn das chin. Aussenministerium die Meldung schon rausgibt..! Hmm!
Werde auch mal das Netz durchforsten.
Ich glaube hier gibt es ein Missverständnis. Ob es bei diesem Unglück auch Verluste an Menschenleben zu beklagen gibt, ist nicht so ganz ersichtlich, aber das Boot ist jedenfalls kein Totalverlust:

The Yomiuri Shimbun

A Chinese Navy submarine stalled apparently after a fire broke out aboard the vessel while it was submerged in the South China Sea, sources close to the Japanese and U.S. defense authorities said Monday.

As of Monday afternoon, the submarine was being towed above the water in the direction of Hainan Island. The Japanese and U.S. governments have been monitoring the vessel, and it is unknown whether there were any casualties, the sources said.

The warship in question is a Chinese Navy Ming-class diesel-powered hunter-killer submarine, the sources added.

According to the sources, the accident occurred in international waters about halfway between Taiwan and Hainan Island on Thursday, and the submarine was being towed by a Chinese vessel apparently in the direction of Yulin Naval Port on the island. It is not known whether the submarine surfaced on its own, the sources added.

Three or four Chinese warships were spotted around the site of the accident, and another Chinese submarine was detected, which suggests that an accident may have occurred during a military exercise, the sources said.

The Japanese and U.S. governments believe the accident will not affect surrounding areas because the vessel was not nuclear-powered, the sources said.

In 2003, all 70 crew members of a Ming-class submarine were killed in an accident caused by a mechanical malfunction.

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